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elle's pov・゚: *・゚:*   

we've been back from england for two months and we're off to college next month in september.

me and mattia have been getting along great, with eachother and with our families. i've never been more contempt than with the friends and life i have now.

"aye elle!" kairi calls for my attention.

"sorry, hi." i smile, taking a sip of my milkshake.

"i asked if you're going to take this opportunity. become an influencer?" alejandro asks, referring to my (and mattia's) current tiktok fame.

we picked up a lot of followers once we returned from our trip so me and the boys all decided to create separate accounts, they have less of a following than us but mattia has the most.

"no, do you think i'm dumb? my dad's family came to this country from the poorest part of spain and you think i'll just throw the chance at a top education away. no thanks." i laugh, shaking my head.

"damn, but mattia is. i wouldn't mind doing the same." kairi admits.

"he'll get his head straight once his hype dies down." i say.

"no he's legitimately thinking of moving to la, you know he's talking with his manager and mom about it."

"yes ale, of course i know. but i also know it won't actually happen." i roll my eyes. "i'd never move to la, everyone is fake and uses eachother."

the boys nod in agreement.

"he can do whatever makes him happy obviously, but whatever." it's not really whatever, because i don't want him to leave me. i love him too much. i smile but my smile drops as i feel the urge to be sick.

i get up from our table and run to the mcdonald's ladies room and throw up.

i flush it and wipe my mouth before walking out.

"what the fuck, are you good?" kairi asks, looking concerned.

"i probably just downed that milkshake too fast. i want to go home." i say.

"but i wanna hang outttt." alejandro groans.

"my mum just bought some water games and shit for the backyard for ethan and gianluca, let's crash it." i shrug and we leave the fast food restaurant.

"i can't believe those two are still bestfriends." kairi laughs.

"you guys should pick up your little siblings whilst you grab swimming stuff! it would be so fun and mattia should be back soon to join in, i'll text him."


"elle help!" maiya shouts as she runs and ducks down behind me as i sit in the kiddie pool.

"kairi leave your sister alone, don't even bring that water fight near me, i'm chilling." i laugh.

"too late!" i hear a voice shout from behind me and i recognise it as mattia's a second before my head is shot with cold water.

"maiya give me this!" i grab her watergun as everyone around us laughs.

i chase mattia around the garden as we shoot eachother, alejandro, emiliano, kairi, maiya, gianluca and ethan all get involved in the water war.

"okay...okay." ethan says between laughs. "i'm out of breath, i surrender." and we all slow down.

"fatass." i insult my younger brother.

"elle-marie! i was just recording that!" my mum says and we all finally notice her as she puts her phone down. "i made kool-aid." she points down at the jug and cups with a proud smile on her face.

"louise can you send me that video?" mattia asks and she nods as we all walk over to get a drink.

"so you can make it into a tiktok?" his younger brother mocks.

"shutup." mattia pushes gianluca before gulping down his whole drink.

"speaking of tiktok, how did your meeting go?" i ask and take a sip of mine before sitting down on the grass like everyone else.

"really good." he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in as everyone gets into their own conversations. "got some big news." he kisses my cheek.

"well, tell!" i smile up at him, anxious to hear what he has to say. maybe that's why i threw up earlier, i'm nervous he's going to leave. but he wouldn't leave me, i'm just being silly.

"okay, don't tell the boys cause i wanna tell them." he says with a quiet and i nod. "there's been a really amazing offer for us to move out to make our own house. in la."

"you're moving to la?" i put my cup down, attempting to understand fully before i make a big reaction.

"not just me, you, the boys! i would never leave you elle." he chuckles and ruffles my hair before kissing my forehead but i just laugh.

"you think i'm going to move to la with you just like that?" i ask.


"pack up my life and go, forget about college and leave my family? i'm not as naive as you." i shake my head.

"chill out." he removes his arm from my shoulder. "you don't even know all the details yet, it's an amazing opportunity." he leans back on the grass.

"what if i don't want to go?" i look down at him. "i don't want to go." i lay beside him as we both look up at the sky full of clouds.

"what if i do want to go?" he speaks and i turn my face to look at him. "i want to go." he turns his face to meet my eyes.

"i don't think you've thought this choice through enough." i rest my head on my palm as i use my elbow to support it.

"i don't think you've thought about your choices at all, like you didn't even give it a second." he holds the eye contact.

"i don't want to be famous, i want to be a physiotherapist. and last time i checked you wanted to play football- i mean soccer." i say.

"this could help me get myself known, i can have my own trainer and get recognised once i have the best skills possible. and last time i checked you wanted to be a soccer player, just like me." mattia smirks, knowing he's right.

"yeah well there's not a big chance of that, so carry on smirking at the fact i can't be what i want to be just cause i'm a girl." i scoff and stand up, walking away before he has a chance to speak.

"elle, wait!" he shouts as he follows me into the house and i turn around to face him once we're in private.

"mattia did we just break up?" i ask.

"what no? are you crazy?" he pulls me into a hug.

"you're moving across the country, and i'm not." i state as i wrap my arms around him.

"neither of those things are for definite yet, there's no rush to make decisions. plus, we could do long distance." mattia strokes my hair, speaking with no hope in his voice, as if he doesn't even believe himself.

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