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mattia's pov・゚: *・゚:*

i'm on cloud nine.

i've got my girl.

i've got my guys.

and i've got a bottle of vodka in my hand.

"pass me the coke!" i yell to ale.

"you sure you wanna drink more bro?" he asks as he hands it to me.

"trust me, nothing could ruin my mood." i smile as i mix the beverage together and start drinking.

elle wants me too, and i want nothing but to protect her and make her happy forever, i know i can do it. i'll do anything for her.

we rap along to drake in the kitchen and just vibe.

"hey babe." vic walks in and opens the fridge.

"don't call me that." i state and shake my head, pouring more vodka and drinking it.

"what's with the change in attitude?" she asks, looking hurt and i feel bad but i know where my loyalty lies. i made a quick dumb decision based on the fact that elle was ignoring me on my birthday.

"look, what happened today was...stupid okay? it was fun but it was stupid. i'm sorry if i've messed with your head vic, it was selfish of me." i say after i step away from the boys so they don't hear us. i don't want anyone knowing about this, especially not elle. i'll have to tell her myself, on another day.

"yeah, it was selfish of you." she scowls at me and starts to walk away but turns back. "oh, and tell elle that i really enjoyed our little chat earlier." vic says and then leaves.

"the fuck does that mean?!" i shout but get no response, deciding to ignore her. i pour another drink and try to find elle.

i search everywhere, asking around for her but can't seem to find her in the house so i decide to go look outside, she's sat on gianlucas swing set.

"why do you look so sad?" i take a seat on the swing beside her.

"can i ask you a question mattia?" she asks and my heart drops, did vic tell her? she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

"shoot." i reply.

"are you drunk right now?" she turns to look at me. thank god she doesn't know. i don't know when would be the best time to tell her but i know it isn't whilst i'm hammered.

"erm, maybe." i smile and she nods slowly, i can tell there is something else she has on her mind. "seriously elle, what's up?"

"i don't want to talk to you right now." she states, looking down at her hands.

"why?" i ask.

"we'll talk about it in the morning."

"talk about fucking what?" i ask again, my voice raises. i don't mean to swear at her so much, it's a bad habit of mine.

"i just said i don't want to talk to you right now mattia." she continues to avoid making eye contact as i stand up from the swing.

"why the fuck not?!" i shout and watch a tear drop from her eye. "why are you crying? you're the one choosing to ignore me on my birthday for no reason." alejandro and kairi come outside as part of the audience which is forming.

"who said it's for no reason?!" she raises her voice back and chuckles, shaking her head as she wipes her tears away.

"well you won't tell me the fucking reason elle, what am i supposed to do?" i run my hands through my hair out of frustration, it gets me so mad when she laughs at times like this.

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