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elle's pov・゚: *・゚:*   

"mattia, you've got to let me out." i chuckle after attempting to open the passenger door which is locked.

"i don't want you to go." he holds onto my hands. his voice is desperate, it's breaking my heart.

"even if i didn't go right now, you'll be jetting off to la on friday. this is the way it is." i reason with him, knowing i'd much rather not get out of this car and just stay with him for two more days. "i can't miss my flight." i frown and he let's go of my hands.

"i feel bad for not coming to the airport though." he matches my frown.

"i need time with my family so don't feel bad. i had the most amazing night with you, okay?" i smile at him and he nods. "now kiss me." he smiles before following my orders.

we eventually pull away and there isn't another word said as we stare into each others eyes before i climb out of the car and walk into my home.

i'm going to miss those eyes.

"i'm back!" i shout into the halls and head upto my bedroom.

i walk in and see a small blue box on my bed.

is that a pregnancy test?

"elle!" my dad shouts and i grab the box and shove it into my carry-on bag. "time to eat, mija." he smiles as he peeks his head into my room and i nod in response before he goes downstairs and i follow him.

"come help me, love." my mum calls me from the kitchen and i walk in.

"did you take one?" she asks me quietly.

"no! are you insane, i don't need to." i whisper yell at her.

"yes you do, you've been throwing up and haven't got your period."

"mum i-"

"you aren't getting on that plane without showing me a negative stick." she swats her hand and carries the food out to the table. i sigh and copy her actions.

"we're really going to miss you, elle." my dad says as i sit down at the table with them.

"i won't." my younger brother shrugs and starts eating.

"ethan, you'll miss her the most!" my mum laughs as the rest of us begin our food.

i don't know how she can sit there and laugh after we've just had such a serious conversation. obviously i'm not pregnant.

there's no way. well there is a way, but no. i'm not pregnant.

"we'll be counting down the days until you're back." my dad says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "but if you don't enjoy it you can always come right back home."

"i know." i smile at him. "hopefully that won't be the case."

we continue the conversation throughout the whole meal and i know it's going to be so hard without my family, but i will have my mum's family over there in the uk.

"look at the time, we've got to set off to the airport, everyone in the car. you're suitcases are in there already, elle." my dad checks his watch and begins to panic.

"i'm just getting my bag from upstairs." i say and he nods as we all disperse.

i slip on my shoes, jacket and grab the bag before running back downstairs and locking the door behind me and then i climb into the car.

𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 -ᵐᵃᵗᵗⁱᵃ ᵖᵒˡⁱᵇⁱᵒWhere stories live. Discover now