Chapter 2

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~{Evangeline's POV}~

"Give a round of applause tooooo..... ONE DIRECTION!" Mrs. Par said into the microphone.


I winced at the loud screams coming from... Everywhere.

"One Direction. The One Direction?" I asked no one in particular. Luke shrugged.

"We'll just have to see." Ashton said. I nodded.

The curtains opened, and there stood five guys. One with blonde hair, one with a warming look in his eyes, one with brown curly hair. And one guy who caught my eye. He had wild brown hair and blue eyes, the color of the ocean. I always loved blue eyes. But these blue eyes, they were different.

I was snapped out of my daze when the one with the warming look in his eyes started talking.

"Hey guys! We're so glad to be here, performing with you! I'm Liam." He-Liam said.

"I'm Harry!" The boy with curly hair said.

"I'm Niall." The blonde one said.

"And I'm Louis! It's really nice visiting home again!" The guy with the breath taking blue eyes said. So he lived here in Doncaster? Maybe he went to school here and I just recognized him?

"We will be singing some songs from our Made in the A.M. Album!" Harry said. Screams were heard everywhere.

"Ow.." I heard Luke mutter. I looked over at him and saw him covering his ears. I laughed at this. He glared at me and went to look up at the stage. He smirked and looked back at me.

"What?" I questioned. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Mr. Louis up there keeps sneaking looks at you." Luke grinned. I rolled my eyes and looked at Louis right when he looked at me. His eyes widened and he looked away. My eyes widened, knowing Luke was right. "Told you." Luke said. I glared at him and turned my attention to the stage.

"Is it just me or is that Louis boy making googly eyes at you?" Ashton smirked and looked kind of displeased. I groaned.

"Ugh. Leave me alone." That made him laugh.

I listened to the boys sing. They were really good. I really like this song too. I clapped when they finished up.

"Thank you everyone!" Niall said. They walked backstage while Mrs. Par walked onto stage.

"Thank you for coming! Have a great day!" She said. Everyone filed out while Luke, Ashton, and I went backstage to set up our stuff for the next group. I went behind the curtain to grab a microphone and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oops! I'm so sorry!" I apologized. I looked up to be met with those blue eyes. THE blue eyes.

"It's alright love, I wasn't paying attention..-" He stopped mid sentence when he looked at me. "-u-uhm Don't be sorry. I'm sorry. Erm yeah, I'm really sorry." He stammered. I giggled.

"It's really okay, blue eyes." I said smiling. "Oh! My manors! I'm Evangeline! But people also call me Angel to make it easier." I said sticking my hand out. He smiled and took my hand, shaking it.

"I'm Louis. And oh I know you're Evangeline. You guys did pretty awesome before us. You have a very pretty voice." Louis said. I blushed.

"Thank you." I mumbled. He chuckled.

"You're welcome." He smiled. A small brief silence passed by then he cleared his throat. "Uhm do you and your friends-" He nodded over to Luke and Ashton, who were staring might I add. "-want to hang out with me and the lads until the next show?" He asked. I smiled.

"We'd love to." I said. I motioned Luke and Ashton over and we followed Louis.

"So what did you and Mr. Blue eyes talk about?" Luke wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"He just asked if we wanted to hang out with him and his lads, and I said yes." I said.

"Mhm sure." I glared at Luke as we kept walking.

We turned into a hall and went into the teachers lounge, to I guess where the guys were staying. We walked in and saw the other four sitting around and talking. And I saw 2 other girls. One with blonde hair like Niall's and a girl with curly brown hair like Harry's.

"Evangeline? Evangeline Winters?! Holy shit!" The blonde haired girl said. I gave her a questioning look.

"Its me, Kelsey! Kelsey Horan from the Summer Twin Ball?" Kelsey said. I thought about it. Kelsey... Kelsey Horan... Kelsey Horan!


"It's been awhile!" She said. We let go of each other and were met by some questioning looks. And a red faced Ashton. I smirked.

"How do you guys know each other?" Harry asked.

"The Summer Twin Ball! We were 15 years old. Our aunt took Ashton, Luke and I to Mullingar, Ireland for the summer to vacation. And when we got there My aunt saw a flier that said that there was going to be a twin ball. And Ashton being a twat, didn't want to go. But I made him go with me. Poor Luke had to stay with my aunt." I said laughing a bit.

"When we got there, it was so awkward. We didn't have dates so we just sat there. We saw Kelsey and Niall sitting a few tables away from us. They didn't look to fond of the ball either. Ashton insisted on going over, and I agreed. We introduced ourselves and We just talked all night-" I looked at the still red Ashton and smiled "-and Ashton over here asked her to dance. I danced with Niall over here. After the dance- All of us, including Luke- hung out for the rest of the summer." I said.

"But when the summer was over, It was so sad. We said our goodbyes to them and kept contact for a bit, until- well I don't know what happened. We just stopped talking." Kelsey said. I sighed and nodded.

"I remember you guys! Give me a hug Bells!" Niall said. I laughed. He use to call me Bells because of my middle name. I hugged him and he went to go catch up with Ashton and Luke.

"That's so cool! I'm Alyssa! Alyssa Styles. Uhm Harry's twin." Alyssa introduced herself. I smiled.

"There's three pairs of twins? That's two too many!" Liam exclaimed. I shrugged and smiled.

"Eh what can you do?" Ashton and I said. Ashton raised his eyebrow. "Jinx! Double Jinx! Triple Jinx! Quadruple Jinx!-" We were stopped by Luke covering our mouths. We glared at him while everyone laughed.

"You guys are still the same." Niall shook his head and laughed.

"Na uh!" We both said... AGAIN! I huffed and was about to protest when-

"Louis!" I looked to the right to see a girl with brown hair running towards Louis.

"Hey Eleanor!" Louis said. He smiled and she hugged him. I raised an eyebrow. When they let go Eleanor looked at me with a glare.

"Who's she?" She spat. I did a double take. Who the hell-

"Well if you must know, I'm Evangeline." I said politely. She scoffed and went back to Louis.

"Who's that?" I asked Kelsey and Alyssa. They both glared at her.

"That's Eleanor Calder." Kelsey said. "Louis' Girlfriend."

***Second chapter done! Please leave feedback or star and add if you like it so far (puppy dog eyes)*** (12/4/20)

- Angelika

We're Not Crazy. We're Not Weird. We're Not Stupid. We Know Eachother like We Know Ourselves. We're Family<3

©Copyright® 2020

All Rights Reserved.

An Original By Angelika Gomez.

Don't Steal Please.

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