Chapter 7

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~{Evangeline's POV}~

I looked at the house and it seemed like no one has stayed in it since we moved out. I walked up to the front door and turned the knob. It was locked.

"Oh hold on.." I muttered. I look down to see the same 'Welcome Home' mat we had left before we ditched our house. "Please still be here.." I bent down and pulled up the mat. "Yes!" The extra key we always had was still under it.

I picked it up and slid it through the key slot. I hesitated but twisted the key and heard a click. I grabbed the doorknob and looked behind me, to make sure no one was watching me.

I blew a raspberry and opened the door. I immediately went into a coughing fit. It smelled so bad in here.

It was a smell.. A smell that I never thought I would ever smell again. It smelled like cigarette smoke and gasoline mixed together.

"No.. it can't be." I mumbled. I haven't smelled anything like this since...

My dad left.

~{Ashton's POV}~

I haven't seen Angel since she stormed into the house from the backyard.

"Has anyone seen Angel?" I asked everyone. They all shook their heads. I walked into the house and saw Johanna. "Johanna! Have you seen Angel?"

"No sorry sweetie. Why?"

"She stormed off and no ones seen her."

"Try calling her."

I nodded and walked out back to the backyard and took my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Angel's number and waited.

Then I heard her ringtone. But it wasn't around where we all were though. It sounded distant.

Then I heard her scream from three backyards down..

Where my old house was.

~{Evangeline's POV}~

I walked further into the house and saw everything we left, wrecked. I walked into the living room and saw clothes thrown around. But I didn't recognize whose they were.

"Wow look how big you've gotten." A deep voice said from behind me. I jumped because I didn't expect anyone to be here. I slowly turned around to see my dad...

"What.. No no no it can't be. You were put in jail for the rest of your life!" I said. I backed into the wall while he stepped closer. I noticed a wooden baseball bat only a foot away. He was across the room and I quickly looked at my surroundings. I remembered that the door to the backyard was right there. All I have to do is distract him long enough to get there.

"I got released for good conduct and got released a lot earlier than what was sentenced." He said, smirking. I shook my head. I kept inching closer to the bat. "Aw don't be like that sweetie."

"Don't call me that!" I spat.

"Ooh, a little feisty are you? You've grown. And might I say, very nice looking at that." He said. I shivered.

"You're sick!" I yelled. I finally got to the bat, picked it up, and swung it at his head. He fell back with a thump and I pushed the dresser on top of him.

I ran to the backyard door and went through it. I looked around for a way to escape. I saw the gate and tried opening it, just to find it bolted closed. "Damn it.."

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" My dad yelled. I quickly hid behind the trashcans by the corner. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

"Fuck..." I mumbled, when my phone went off. I quickly took it out of my back pocket and tried to turn it off, but before I could, I got yanked out of my hiding place. I screamed bloody murder from the pressure he was putting on my arm.

"Shut up!" He spat. He dragged me inside the house and locked the back door. Every step he took closer to me was pushing me towards the wall and I was getting cornered. "So, lets have some fun." He smirked.

"Get away!" I screeched. Just then he was yanked away from me.

"Get off her!" Niall yelled. I looked up to see him punching him in the face.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked frantically. He came up and helped me up by my arm. I moaned in pain from when HE yanked me there. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He let go and I looked over to where my dad and Niall were.

"Niall! That's enough!" Liam yelled. He pulled Niall away from my dad. He had a bruise on his cheek and his lip was bleeding.

"No.. This can't be.. You're suppose to be in jail..." Ashton mumbled.

"Surprise, surprise." My dad, (wait no. I cant call him that. He was never a dad to us.) Jack mumbled.

Harry rushed in, "The police are on the way!"

At that moment, Jack pulled some kind of rope from behind the couch and a spray came from the ceiling and sprayed on me, Harry, Ashton, and Luke.

"What... What was that.." Luke mumbled.

"It smells like... knock out gas.." Ashton said.

"How would you... know what.. Knock out gas.. Smells.. Like..." I said. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I fell to the floor. Before I blacked out, I saw Jack shove Niall and Liam down and ran out of the house.

***Sorry this was a little short*** (12/4/20)

We're Not Crazy. We're Not Weird. We're Not Stupid. We Know Eachother like We Know Ourselves. We're Family<3

©Copyright® 2020

All Rights Reserved.

An Original By Angelika Gomez.

Don't Steal Please.

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