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July 30th
Tris's POV

"Did you have a good birthday?" I whisper as I pull the purple blankets over Blakelyn. She nods, smiling. "Good."

I bend down, onto my knees, so that my head is at the same level as hers. Bleakelyn's bed is on the wall opposite the glass one that overlooks the chasm. Since the house is in the back of Dauntless, we don't have to worry about people looking into their room, or our room, or River's. Bellamy's bed is on the same wall, the foot of his bed facing toward the window pushes against the other wall. Blakelyn wanted to have her head by the door and Bellamy wanted as many walls surrounding him. He is definitely not claustrophobic. Blakely's side of the room has a purple/pink/orange color scheme. Like her sister, pink and purple is her favorite color. The orange ties into Bellamy's side of the room, with a more earthy color scheme. His favorite color is olive green and dark orange. As is on cue, Bellamy bolts into the room with Tobias on his heels. Bellamy's laughter fills the air as he runs into me with only his pull-up diaper on. Both of the twins are potty-trained, but still need to wear diapers at night.

"Hey," I say, bringing my finger to my mouth, motioning him to be quiet. "It's time for bed, Bells. Who got you all worked up?" I ask, shooting a glare at Tobias who smirks.

"Dada!" he exclaims.

"You're being too loud, Bells!" Blakelyn yells at him.

"Hey, now you both are being too loud!" I scold, trying to whisper.

"Say 'sorry mommy'," Tobias says, scooping Bellamy into his arms.

"Sorry, mommy," he manages to get out in-between laughs.

"Can you tell a story mommy?" Blakely pleads.

"Okay," I say, standing up and getting into bed with her. Tobias gets into bed with Bellamy, too. "Are you going to listen to the story, Bells?" I ask.


"Okay," I say, pulling the covers over Blakelyn. I lie atop of them and wrap my arm around her. "Once upon a time..."

Tobias's POV
"Once upon a time," Tris starts, snuggling up with Blakelyn. I lean against the wall, Bellamy snuggling under my arm.

"There was a boy and a girl. The boy was tall, and strong, and brave." I smile, knowing where this is going. "The girl was weak and scared. But the boy helped her. He challenged her and made her stronger."

"How?" Bellamy asks, smiling. This is his favorite story.

"Shh, she's getting there," I say, rubbing his stomach. Bellamy's small giggle fills the room as Tris continues.

"One day, when the boy was training the girl, another boy was being mean to the girl's friend. The mean boy made the boy throw knives at the friend." Blakelyn gasps.

"Is he okay?" she asks, mortified.

"Stop interrupting!" Tris says laughing.

"Okay," she says, nuzzling into Tris's body.

"The boy was just about to throw a knife at the friend when the girl told him to stop. She volunteered to take his place. All of the boy's training had made her brave and selfless."

"What is selfless?" Bellamy asks.

"Selfless is when you put someone else's needs before yours. Like the Abnegation," I tell him. Tris smiles at me as he nods.

"So, the girl went to stand in front of the target. She was scared but had to ignore her fear. She had to trust the boy not to cut her. But what she didn't know was that the boy loved her. He would never hurt her."

I get butterflies in my stomach as I look at Tris telling the story. I remember every moment of that day. The proud feeling I felt when Tris stood up to Eric. That's when I knew. I knew she was my person.

"While the boy threw the knives at her, he had to remind her that if she flinched, if she gave up, someone else would have to take her place. When the boy threw the last knife it skinned the girl's ear. But she didn't flinch. The boy had made her brave." I can't help but smile. "The end," she finishes, clapping her hands together.

"Is that is?" Blakelyn asks.

"Well," I say. "Then the boy and the girl fell in love and lived happily ever after."

I lace my fingers with Tris's as we slip out of the twin's room. She closes the door behind us and wraps her arms around my torso. I turn around, smiling.

"Hey," I say, looking down at her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer.

"Hi." Tris moved to stand on her toes and presses her lips to mine. She teases me, biting my lower lip but denying me entrance. She pulls back, smirking.

"That was mean," I whisper. I start backing her up toward the wall opposite the twins' room.

"Shh, you are going to wake the babies," she teases.

"Come here," I say, pulling her body against mine. I lean in to kiss her but before I can, she slips out from under my arms. Tris's giggle fills the hallway as she runs down it toward the stairs. I chase after her, grabbing her waist just as she reaches the top of the stairs. She shrieks as I throw her over my shoulder.

"Shh, you are going to wake the babies," I tease.

Tris shrieks again as I drop her onto our bed, closing the bedroom door behind us.
"Tobias," she laughs. It has been a long time since we have had time alone. The twins sleep with us most nights, and River has been having bad dreams recently. Us being alone is a rare occurrence.

I hover over Tris's body, looking into her eyes, swimming with passion. Her breath hitches as I lean in and press my lips to hers. I move my hands along her body, playing with the hem of her shirt. Her hands find their way to my hair, playing with the strands. I move my lips away from hers and kiss her soft neck.

"Tobias," she breathes out.

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