173 7 0

July 31st
Tris's POV
"Goodnight, sweet girl," I say, kissing River on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Mommy," she whispers, her eyes drooping and falling shut.

I walk out of her bedroom, turning off the light and closing the door. As I walk toward the twins' room, I hear Tobias kissing them goodnight. A small smile covers my lips. I walk in, standing at the door. Tobias crouches on the floor holding Blakelyn's hand as she falls asleep. Bellamy is already asleep in his bed. I walk over and kiss him, whispering goodnight. I place my hand on Tobias's back as I kneel down next to Blakelyn.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" she asks as I brush her hair back.

"Not tonight, baby," I whisper, brushing Tobias's leg. He stiffens as I try to hold back a smirk. Blakelyn sighs and nods. "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight my love." I kiss her on the forehead and stand up. Tobias does the same, following me out of the room, turning off the light, and closing the door.

"What what that?" he whispers as he follows me down the hall. I tip the edge of my shirt off my shoulder, swaying my hips as I walk and smirking over my shoulder. Tobias scowls. "Come here," he says, walking toward me. I doge out of his way.

"What's the baby's name?" There is a playfulness in my voice that I don't try to hide.

"You aren't going to break me that easily."

"Hmm," I say, dodging out of his grasp as he tried to reach for me again.

"Tris," he warns. I giggle as I run into our bedroom, locking the door behind me. Tobias wiggles the handle, trying to get in. "What's the name?" I whisper.

"Tris, let me in, and I'll tell you!"

Slowly, I unlock the door.

Tobias's POV
The door slowly unlocks but remains shut. I open it carefully, finding the room empty. "Tris?"

I hear the shower turn on in the bathroom and feel my lips curl into a smile. I pull my shirt over my head and throw it onto the ground. I open the bathroom door, greeted by a wave of warm steam. The glass shower is fogged up. Tris's silhouette stands in the middle, rubbing shampoo through her hair. I grab two towels from under the sink, placing them by the shower, removing my jeans, and opening the glass door.

"Hand me my comb?" Tris asks, facing away from me.

I grab her comb off of the counter and step in the shower behind her. I press my body to hers, combing her hair. Tris steps forward, away from me, taking the comb from my hand.

"No touching," she says, turning around, back into the steady fall of water. I watch it trickle down her body, washing the shampoo out. "Are you just going to stand there?" she asks. Her eyes remain closed and she brushes through her hair.

"I would like to shower with my wife," I growl, stepping into the shower water next to her. Tris steps back.

"I would like my husband to tell me my nephew's name," she says. Tris bends down, grabbing a bottle of conditioner. I growl, looking up into the water. I feel my heart rate quicken as she massages it through her hair. My blood boils.

"Stop teasing me."

"I'm not," she shrugs. "I'm just washing my hair," Tris smirks, swaying her naked body.

"You really want to know?"


"Fine," I sigh. "I'll tell you.

Tris's POV
"What is his name?" I ask quietly. I slide my hands over Tobias's body, walking around him, pushing him out of the water.

"Tris," he sighs as my hand travels down his back.

"What's his name?"

"You know, when he gets older you are going to have to tell him this story-"

"Hmm," I say, rubbing my hands through his hair.

"Can I touch you once I tell you," he asks. My lips curl into a smile. I nod as I walk back in front of him, teasing him. "Apollo, Apollo Jasper. Good name," he says, sighing. My heart melts. I was the one who suggested the name Jasper.

"That's a cute name," I say, pressing my naked body against Tobias's.

"Come here," he growls.

I smile as he kisses me with passion, his tongue exploring my mouth. I moan into his kiss. Tobias's hands explore my body like they have countless times. A sigh escapes my mouth as they move further down my back. I massage Tobias's arms, rubbing soap all over him. One of his hands snakes back up my back, into my hair, while the other moves further down. I push Tobias back a little, squatting down so I have to look up at him. Tobias's eyes grow dark as he puts his hands into my hair. I take his length in my hand, stroking it slowly. Tobias let's put a moan, his head falling back. I smirk, standing up.

"What!" he says, exasperated.

"I'm tired," I pout. My hands trace his tattoos. I step back into the water, letting the conditioner wash out of my hair, stepping out of the shower, and wrapping myself in a towel.

"Tris, you kill me." He growls, turning the shower water cold.

"See you in the bedroom," I say, winking over my shoulder.

"You're not helping."

I rush into our closet, digging through the back that is filled with boxes. I find the box with my wedding dress, finding the black lingerie at the bottom of the box. I smile. I quickly dress and towel dry my hair. It falls over my back in loose waves. Suddenly, I feel strong arms wrap around my torso. I let out a shriek, followed by Tobias's hand around my mouth.

"Don't wake the kids," he whispers in my ear. I smile. He throws me over his shoulder and hurries out of the closet. The next thing I know, my body is sprawled on the bed. Tobias moves over my, kissing along my neck. "I'm in charge now," he whispers.

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