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September 1st
Tobias's POV

"I'll see you after school!" I call to River as she runs down the hallway with Everest. Will follows them.

"Bye, daddy!"

I smile, closing the door. I sign, turning to Tris and Bellamy on the couch, reading. Blakelyn is still asleep.

"'Her sister," Tris reads to him, huddled in a blanket. "Miss Watson, a tolerable slim old maid, with goggles on, had just come to live with her, and took a set at me now with a spelling-book." I smile. Bellamy loves when Tris reads to him, especially The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Tris's brother, Caleb, gave it to us when the twins were born. "'Miss Watson would say, 'Don't put your feet up there, Huckleberry!''" Tris tickles Bellamy. "Just like I always tell you, don't put your feet on the furniture!"

"I won't, I won't!" he laughs. I laugh, ruffling his hair.

"I'm going to go wake up your sister," I say, climbing up the stairs.

It's been a few weeks since everything happened. I feel like things are finally getting back to normal. As normal as they can be. Tris and I still cry a lot. She's afraid to sleep with me, thinking that if she gets pregnant, she'll be replacing the baby we lost. I can understand that, but I don't know how long she'll feel like that.

I know she's still in pain.

I walk into the twin's room, crossing it to open the blinds. I hear Blakelyn groan.

"It's so early," she whines.

"Come on," I laugh, picking her up. "Mom and Bells are reading Huck Finn."

"Really?" Her face brightens up. I nod.

Blakelyn jumps out of my arms, racing down the stairs, jumping onto the couch. I laugh sitting next to Tris, pulling her into my arms. The kids climb on top of us, listening to Tris read.
These are my favorite mornings, I think, kissing the top of Tris's head.


Tris's POV
I smile as I walk out of the twin's room, turning off the light and closing the door. I silently creep down the hall to River's room where Tobias was helping River with her homework.

"I hate math," she groans as Tobias helps her get in bed when I walk into the room.

"Yeah, me too," I laugh. River has just started learning numbers and a little bit of addition. She really doesn't like it.

River huffs, pulling her covers up to her chin. I smile, kissing her on the head.

"I love you, Ri," I say.

"Goodnight, mommy." I smile. Tobias kisses her on the head and follows me out of her room, closing the door and turning off the light. I sigh, resting my head on Tobias's shoulder. I feel his arms wrap around me, embracing me.

"We have to talk about initiation," I say after a moment. "It's in two days." I feel him nod. "I don't think I should train this year," I say, flopping back onto the bed.

"Why not?" he asks. It's a simple question, but I feel myself get angry.

"Because of everything that's happened. I need to be with the kids."

"Tris," he whispers, pulling his sweatpants on.


"It'd be good for you."

I lay back, looking at the ceiling. I feel Tobias climb onto the bed, lying next to me. His arm brushes mine.

"I know you feel like you can't move on, but that's all you can do," he whispers. "It's hard, believe me, I know, but what else can you do? Sit around feeling miserable forever?"

"You sound like Christina," I say, groaning. He laughs a little. "Okay," I sigh after a minute. "But only if we do it together." I roll onto my side, facing him. He props his head upon his hand. "Like we used to." Tobias smiles, kissing my nose.

"Always," he whispers.

September 2nd
Tobias's POV

"Come on, Dad," River says, taking my hand. I smile, looking at her all grown up, taking me to her school dance. I feel like I'm floating. This is the last "Daddy, Daughter Dance" I get with her before she takes the aptitude test tomorrow and switches factions.

As we walk into the dining hall of the school, I am met with purple and blue lights, creating a euphoric feeling. They have converted the space to a dance floor. Just as River and I start dancing, I feel myself being pulled out of the dream.

"Tobias?" I hear Tris whisper, waking me up in the middle of the night.


"Are you asleep?"

"Yes," I whisper, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my chest. My mind bounces between my dream and the moment now, with Tris. I can't wait to take my girls to the Daddy, Daughter Dance.

"I miss you," she whispers. I feel myself become alert.

"What do you mean?" I ask with my heart in my throat.

"I miss you." She rolls over, facing me so that we look at each other in the eye. I can see the moonlight glistening in her eyes. In an instant, she presses her lips to mine. I kiss her back, moving down to her neck and behind her ear.

"Are you sure?" I whisper. Tris pushes me onto my back, climbing on top of me, kissing my neck.
"I'm sure." She kisses me again and I smile into it.

I fall asleep with Tris tangles in my arms for the first time in a while. I hadn't realized how far apart we had been. Life seems to be getting back on track, the stars finally lining up after they had been cursing us for so long. I can't help but feel excited for what's to come.

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