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August 15th
Tris's POV

I sit quietly across the couch from my parents in their plain Abnegation home. It feels like I was here just a month ago, but I know it has been years. Years since I have been comforted by the simplicity, the routine, the silence of the Abnegation. I sigh. My mother stares at me with care, taking in the view of her daughter. My father, however, looks at me like he cannot decide if I am the little girl he raised.

"How are you, Beatrice?" my mother asks, her kind smile spreading over her face.

"I've been better, actually." Then, I spill my guts to them. I tell them everything that has happened and everything I can remember. They look at me with sad eyes. I feel a few tears fall, quickly wiping them away.

"You'll be okay, Tris. I know you are strong," my mother says, reaching for my hand. My dad quickly excuses himself and retreats to his room. "He's just missed you, that's all," she says. "He's been selfish lately." I nod.

I spend a few hours talking with my mother about anything and everything until it gets dark. "I should get going," I say, standing up. My mother walks me to the door with a sad smile on her face.

"When you get your memory back," she starts quietly. "Why don't you send me a letter so I can come to visit my grandchildren."

I feel my heart soften. "Of course. Thank you, mom," I say, hugging her.

"I love you," she whispers.

"I love you too." I pull back, smiling at her.

Slowly, I make my way out of the Abnegation sector, back to the train, enjoying the night brings. As I do, raindrops start falling, wetting my face, merging with my tears. I look up at the sky, a moment of peace washes over me.

Tobias's POV
I sigh as my head hits the pillow. The night was quiet after I put the kids down to bed. The twins were tired when we got home from Christina's; they both crashed after dinner. River, however, was anxious. She had seen Christina and I break down. That took a toll on her. River is the type of person who hurts when someone else hurts; who cries when someone else cries.

I had let her take a bubble bath then laid with her until she fell asleep. I know she misses her mom. River has been so strong throughout this, so brave. I don't tell her enough.

I soon find the will to pull myself out of bed and shower. I don't know when I last had one. I pull my shirt over my head, leaving a trail of clothes as I get into the shower. Pressing my hands against the tiled wall, I let the hot water run over my body. I rake my hands through my wet hair, remembering all the times I have been here with Tris. I groan, washing my body, desperate to get back to bed.

I step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and using another to dry my hair. I quickly brush my teeth and walk back into the room. I stop when I see Tris sitting on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands. My breath hitches when she looks up at me, looking at my bare chest.

"How was it?" I ask, clearing my throat. "Seeing your parents?"

"Okay," she nods, choking on her words. It's like when we first moved in together. It was so awkward. Now... I don't even know what it is now.

"I'm so sorry, Tobias," she whispers. That's when I rush over to her. I sit on the bed next to Tris, holding her as she cries. Her tears fall onto my bare skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she repeats over and over between sobs.

"Shh," I whisper into her hair. "What's wrong, Tris? You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I remember," she sobs. My heart stops. Remember? What does she remember? I pull her tighter, waiting for her to continue. "I remember everything. I'm so sorry I hurt you." I feel my chest tighten, my body breathe, and my grip loosen. She remembers.

"Tris," I breathe out. Before I know it, tears are streaming down my face again, but this time, out of happiness, joy. It's as if the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds. I feel Tris's arms tighten around my body, squeezing me. I kiss her on top of her head, burying my head into her hair.

"I love you, Tobias," she says.

"I love you, Tris," I whisper, not being able to contain my joy; words could not express it.
Tris leans back wiping her face, smiling.

"When did you remember?" I ask.

"When I was walking back home. It just all came back at once," she looks down at her lap, picking at her fingers. "It was just like a haze had cleared." We sit in silence for a few moments before I go get dressed. When I come back, Tris is smiling.

"What?" I ask, quirking a brow as I adjust my sweatpants.

"I've got something to tell you."

I smile, climbing in bed next to her. "And what's that?"

"Tobias, I'm pregnant again."

My body goes cold.

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