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December 22nd
Tobias's POV

I find the bed empty as I reach my arm out, looking for Tris to keep me warm. My eyes shoot open when I don't find her. I look at the clock that reads nine am. She's probably already awake. Tris has been waking up early for the past few months and I have been sleeping in. It's like we switched.

I climb out of bed, pulling on some sweatpants before heading downstairs. I smile when I find Tris and Bellamy curled up together on the couch. Bellamy watched something on the TV while Tris reads. I sneak up behind them, kissing Tris on the head and ruffling Bellamy's hair. I hear Tris gasp.

"You scared me," she says, kissing me.

"Good morning," I laugh. "Watcha watching, bubs?" I ask Bellamy. He shrugs, making me laugh.
"How are the girls?" I ask, walking around and joining them on the couch. I pull Tris into my arms, breathing in her scent. I've missed holding her.

"I checked their temperatures when I woke up this morning," she whispers. "They were both pretty warm. If they aren't feeling good when they wake up we should take them to the infirmary." I nod. "I don't know what it could be," she sighs.

"It's probably just a stomach bug," I say, kissing her neck.

"I hope so. I don't want them to be sick on Christmas."

"I know."

We lie on the couch for a little while longer until Bellamy gets hungry. I let Tris stay with him on the couch while I go make breakfast. It didn't take much to let me know that Tris is exhausted. She looked tired and dehydrated.

She gets like this sometimes, working herself to the brim, not taking any breaks. I have to step in, letting her step back. Though, she'll never admit she's tired.

"I'm going to go check on the girls," she calls. I sigh. I just want things to be peaceful for once.

Tris's POV
Slowly, I climb up the stairs, making my way to River's room. I creek open her bedroom door, frowning when I find her bed empty. I walk into the room, to the bathroom, continuing to the twins' room. I feel my heart melt when I see River holding Blakelyn as they sleep together. I smile, kneeling down by the bed, petting River's arm. Slowly, she turns her head to me.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Hi, mommy."

"How are you feeling?"

"Bad, but better than yesterday," she whispers.

"That's good," I smile, feeling a weight lift off my chest. "Do you think you need to go to the doctor?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Okay, do you want to come downstairs with Bells, daddy, and me? I can make you some oatmeal with bananas."

"Okay," she whispers, climbing out of bed into my arms. I quietly walk out of the room, down to the living room. I lay River on the couch next to Bellamy and find Tobias in the kitchen.

"River's awake," I say, wrapping my arms around his torso. I press my face to his back, closing my eyes.

"Is she feeling any better?" he asks, continuing to do whatever he's doing. I nod.
"Here, Tris," he says, turning around. I look, finding him holding a glass full of orange looking water.

"What's this?" I ask, taking it from him.

"Water, with electrolytes. Drink it."

"I give him a skeptical look but drink it anyway. It tastes like oranges. I smile, handing him my cup once I've finished. He takes it from me, setting it in the sink.

"You've been working yourself too hard," he says to me. I frown at him. "You need to take a break. Go take a bath then a nap."

"Tobias, my daughters are sick I can't just ditch you guys-" he cuts me off.

"I can handle it. Now go." I shake my head, giving him a kiss before I head back upstairs.

I stare aimlessly into the tub as it fills up with water and bubbles. I feel the heat rise from it, warming me up. I hadn't noticed how tired I was, how cold and exhausted until I stopped. Until I took a breath. Until I took a moment for myself. Since Christina went into the hospital to have Apollo last week, our life has been nonstop going. I haven't been eating right or drinking nearly enough water.

I am very bad at handling stress. Tobias, on the other hand, thrives in it. He is able to get everything done and feels so accomplished. I need to learn how to do that.

I sigh, walking to the sink. I pull my hair up into a bun and put this clay mask from Amity all over my face. It is supposed to make your skin soft. Tobias got it for me last year for Christmas. I hardly ever have time to myself, so I've never used it.

I walk into our bedroom, quickly undressing and pulling on a robe. I walk into our closet, grabbing some clothes for once I get out of the bath. Spotting an empty cup on the nightstand, I grab that as well, filling it up in the bathroom. I drink the whole thing, filling it up again. I am really dehydrated.

I slip off my robe and slide into the hot water. I rest my head on the edge of the tub, letting the water soothe my muscles. The last time I took a bath was... I don't even know how long ago.
I close my eyes, letting this serene moment wash over me. But in the back of my mind, I can't help but think about my babies. I try to push the thought to the side, focusing on the sounds of the water. But it's not long before I hear tiny footsteps enter the room.

"Mommy?" I hear.

"Hi Blakey," I say, smiling.

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