Chapter One: Fire Was Taken

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Warning. The following story contains mentioning of rape, torture, and other gruesome content that may be unsettling to some viewers. Should the content in question offend you, please click out of the tab.

Set a little after Mystery in The Sky

Sam poked his head slightly around the corner of the building he was hiding behind. He watched as Professor Crompton messed with Polonium's robot. His hand clenched tightly onto his axe. As soon as he stepped out of the alley, Sam felt something implant itself into his neck. It sent out a harsh discharge. Sam screamed as his body twitched. He collapsed onto the ground. 

The Professor came out of her hiding spot. She smiled. Sam groaned quietly. He looked up at her weakly. She knelt down in front of him. "Shh, in a few moments you'll be taking a nice long rest."

Sam growled. He tried to stand up. Polonium pressed a button on the end of a small cylindrical object. Sam heard a high pitched whine behind him. The object in his neck sent out another discharge. Sam screamed out in pain before face planting again. He panted. His body twitched again. He felt tired suddenly. He then blacked out.

Sam slowly came to about two hours later. His arms were tied to a chair. He had an ear-splitting headache. He coughed, looking around. He was in a rather dark room with a single light bulb hanging above him. He did have a cut on his right cheek from having fallen onto his face.

He shivered gently. He looked down to notice that he was half-naked. His legs were opened in a rather compromising position. Sam struggled. He didn't like this. His head snapped up when the door to his room suddenly opened. His eyes narrowed against the incoming light. He saw a tall shadow heading towards him. 

"Well...well...well. Look whose finally decided to wake up?" cooed a voice.

Sam growled. "Let me go!"

She knelt down in front of him. Her hand traveled up his chest before resting underneath of his chin. She then moved it up near his cheek. Sam yanked his head away. "Don't you touch me!"

"Fireman Sam, who knew you were even prettier up close? I'm afraid I can't quite let you go just yet." She tapped him on the nose. She then stood up. "You see, Sam, I have something planned for you. An offer if you will."

Sam eyed her. "and what would that be?"

She grabbed a remote off of the table. She aimed it at one of the screens in his room. The screen flickered on to reveal his teammates locked in a room together. They were each tied up, clothed thankfully. The only one who looked like they took quite a beating was Penny. She heard Sam pull against his bindings. "What did you do to them?!"

"Oh somebody has to keep you firefighters in line. They didn't put up much of a fight. Unlike you." Polonium turned to Sam. "Sam, I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse."

"Let them go. I don't want to make any offer with any scum bag like you." growled Sam. His eyes narrowed again.

Polonium took out what looked to be a pen. She pressed the back end of it. Sam heard Penny and the others scream in pain. "No! Don't hurt them!" begged Sam.

She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are we going to be a good boy and listen?"

Sam looked up at the screen again. He saw how in pain everyone was. He nodded quietly. Polonium grinned. "Good boy. Now I'm only going to offer this to you once. I'll let everyone here go if you turn Norman over to me."

"Wha..What do you plan on doing with him?"

"A girl like me knows how to get rid of a village loudmouth. I think it's only fair that I do this favor for you. After all, you do care about yourself and the others in that village , right Sam?"

Sam kept his gaze down. Polonium knew she had the firefighter in a tough spot. "tell you what. I'll give you at least two hours to think about it." She patted his bare shoulder. "I'll be back."

She left the room. Sam  stared at the floor for a long while. Norman in exchange for his team. The answer seemed simple. Just let Norman go but how could he do that to Dilys? The entire town would view him as a monster. Sam gritted his teeth. He also couldn't risk the lives of his team. He was responsible for them.

Polonium came back two hours later. She stood close to him again. "What have we decided?"

Sam looked at the screen that his team-mates on it. He swallowed back a painful lump. "Let them go and leave Norman alone, take me instead."

She lofted an eyebrow. "How interesting. The lead firefighter chooses to give himself up instead of freedom? I think I can work with that."

She takes out a walkie-talkie. "Let the firefighters go. Tell them their generous lead firefighter has given up his freedom in exchange for theirs."

She knelt down in front of Sam. She touched his cheek again. "You and I are going to have some fun together."

Sam eyed her. He wasn't going to let her get to him very easily.


Helen knew the others were in danger. Her brother placed a hand on her shoulder.  Helen's hands were fidgeting. She looked up at him. "They still haven't come back yet."

"We're still looking for them. I suspect that Polonium may of nabbed them as well." whispered Malcolm.

Helen shifted under her brother's touch. Polonium may try to kill them. She thought. I have to do something.

Helen let out a shaky sigh. She turned to her brother. "Malcolm, do me a favor."

Malcolm lofted an eyebrow. "what are you planning?"

"I have to go in and rescue them. I can't just idle by. Not this time. If something happens to me, make sure Mike takes care of Mandy."

Malcolm shook his head. "Nee, you know I can't allow you to do this, right?"

Helen had a pleading look on her face. "The firefighters have become my children in a way. This mother has to do what's right to keep them safe. Even if it's against my ethnics."

Malcolm sighed. He took off his baton and taser. He handed both to her. He also slid off his vest. "At least arm and protect yourself."

She nodded. "Do you know where Polonium's lair is?"

"Right on the outskirts of Wales. I'll need to drive you there."

Helen shook her head. "No need. I've got an ambulance. You've done enough already."

Helen walked over to her ambulance. She climbed in. She rolled down her driver's side window. "Malcolm."

"Yes Nee?"

"Thank you."

He nodded. "Please come back safely. I don't want to be the one that has to identify your body."

She grinned but only slightly. "Don't worry. I'm not as helpless as you think I am." She quickly started her ambulance up. She pulled away. Malcolm watched as his sister got further and further away from town. Take care, sis. He thought to himself quietly.

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