Chapter Fifteen: Solstice

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Helen tossed herself at Polonium. She swung her whole body off the cliff, dragging Polonium down with her. Polonium screamed in surprise. Helen closed her eyes. The two of them began spiraling towards the rocks. Polonium ended up colliding head and back first into them. Her body fell into the water limply. Helen tumbled off her. She stared upwards as she let her body sink. Her vision blurred in and out of focus. She could see the blood floating towards the surface of the water from her stab wound. Dark spots grew in her vision. She blacked out just as a flash of orange disturbed the surface of the water.

Sam yanked Helen's body up out of the water. He laid her down on Neptune. He began to do CPR on her. "C'mon Helen. Wake up." he begged.

Helen coughed up water and blood. She gasped for air. She felt an oxygen mask being placed over her mouth. She could hear faint voices talking around her. She still couldn't see very well. Her vision focused just enough to see Sam holding her hand. "Sam.." she rasped quietly.

"Hang in there. We're nearly back to shore."

Helen shivered from the cold. Sam draped a blanket over her. He kept a firm hold of her hand. Helen could barely feel him. She knew that if she were to die, she at least wouldn't be alone. She'd be in the presence of somebody she cared about.

They arrived back on shore. Helen was loaded up into an ambulance. Sam climbed in with her. "it's going to be okay."

Helen closed her eyes. She exhaled softly. She blacked out again. Sam stroked her hair. He watched over her on the way to the hospital.

Malcolm headed out to the rocks on Juno. He searched the area for Polonium's body. He managed to find it wedged between the rocks. Her body was bent at an odd angle. Malcolm paled. "Jesus.." he muttered.

He unwedged her body. He checked her for a pulse. She didn't have one. Relief washed over him. It was finally over. Polonium was no more. He took her body back to shore. He laid her body down on the table inside of the Ocean Rescue Center. He picked up his notebook. "As of 08:42 pm, Professor Polonium is pronounced dead. Cause of death appears to be from the fall she took off the cliff."

Malcolm loaded Polonium into a body bag. He called for another ambulance to come and collect her. He sighed. Tonight had been rough on him. He placed his fingers to the bridge of his nose tiredly. He decided to head up to the hospital to check up on his family.

Sam was pacing back and forth by the time he arrived. He looked up at Malcolm. "any news?" asked Malcolm.

Sam shook his head. "No. Still no word on Helen. I'm not sure about Rose and Winter yet."

Malcolm sat down in one of the chairs. "I do have some good news. We won't have to worry about Polonium anymore. She's dead."

Sam looked conflicted. On one hand, he was relieved that his worse nightmare was gone. On the other, he didn't think that death was an option for her. "I see.."

"I'm glad the bitch is gone, to be honest. Don't think I could handle her behind bars either." muttered Malcolm.

"I just don't know how to feel right now. I want to be happy she's gone but at the same time, I don't think her dying a brutal death was right. It seems like she got too easy of a way out."

"What would you of done differently?"

"I don't know. Let her live with her life's mistakes? No one deserves death. No matter how horrible they are." argued Sam.

"Sam, she was horrible person. She would of kept going. Her mistakes lead to her death." countered Malcolm.

"Suppose so."

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