Chapter Five: Path to Redemption

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Three days had gone by. PontyPandy couldn't appear quick enough. Helen was exhausted. She wanted nothing more than to rest. She pulled up at her house while the rest of the convoy kept moving. Her brother stood waiting for her outside of the house. He went over to the back of the ambulance. Helen got out to stop him. "Wait. He may come out swinging. Just stay back."

Malcolm nodded. He moved away from the door. He was poised, ready to go in case Sam tried to hurt his sister. Helen opened the door. "We're home. Come on out."

Sam looked around cautiously. The place looked familiar to him. He slid out of the ambulance. Helen took his hand. She noticed he was watching Malcolm. "It's alright. Remember. The people here are friends. They aren't going to hurt you."

Sam nodded. Malcolm waved kindly. He followed the two of them inside. Helen took Sam upstairs. "We've got a room set up for you. I'll be close by in case you need me, okay?"

"This place safe?" asked Sam.

"Yes. Malcolm made sure of that. He's an officer. Just like Winter."

"I remember. I haven't lost my memory entirely." muttered Sam. "Just being around the other people makes me uneasy."

"I know. We'll work on that." She opened the door to Malcolm's room. Malcolm had moved his things around so they were nice and neat. He changed the blankets out so Sam could have something clean to lay on.

"I'll have Charlie come by later, okay? Right now I just want you to relax. You don't really have to sleep. Malcolm will be positioned outside of your room. He won't let anything happen to you." continued Helen.

Sam sat down on the bed. He felt it gently. "Um..thanks.."

Helen stepped out of the room. Malcolm sat close to the door frame. He looked at his sister worriedly. Helen shrugged in response. She headed downstairs. Mike had the kettle on the stove. The two of them embraced each other. "Oh, I was so worried." muttered Mike.

She held him close. "I told you I would be okay. I'm not as helpless as you think I am."

"This Polonium lady is very scary, love. I don't want to imagine what she would do to you since your helping Sam."

"I'm not scared of her. If anything, I've never wanted to harm someone so badly." grumbled Helen as she sat down.

Mike could see how exhausted Helen looked. "Why not take a nap, love? It looks like you need it."

She opened her mouth to argue but then shut it. She knew he was right. "You'll let me know if Sam has an issue, right?"

"Of course. Just put your feet up. He'll be fine."

Helen settled down further in the chair. She laid her head back. She closed her eyes as she tried to take a nap.

"Sam! Sam!"

Helen saw Sam laying in the center of a room unable to breathe. "God damn it!" She raced over to him.  She dove down next to his side. She turned him over to see black goo leaking out of his mouth.

She gasped. She began doing CPR on him. "Don't you die on me."

Sam pointed at something behind her. Helen turned. Polonium struck her across the face with an axe.

Helen bolted upright in her chair. She felt a hand being placed on her shoulder. She turned to see Mike staring at her. She let him hold her close. "We're safe, love. We're going to be okay." he rubbed her back.

"I-I know." She stammered.

Mike pulled away. "I honestly think you need to have a lie down."

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