Chapter Six: Fear to Bravery

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About a week had passed since Sam arrived in PontyPandy. Helen had to re-establish trust with Sam. He couldn't look her in the eye after she ran a kit on him. He was also refusing to really take care of himself. Helen sighed as she leaned on the door frame. She knocked on the edge of it with her knuckles.

Sam didn't look at her. "can I come in?" she asked.

Sam didn't say a word. He kept his gaze focused out the window. Helen walked in. "I know your still mad at me."

"You said you wouldn't stick me. How do I know you aren't going to do the same things she did? Hm?" he growled.

She sat a little ways from him on the bed. "Because deep down you know that I would never hurt you." She reached out to touch him.

"Why did you touch me? Why didn't you just leave it alone?"

"I care about you, Sam. I want to bring this bitch to justice. That's why I did the kit on you."

"I doubt anyone is going to ever believe me, Helen." he said sadly.

"I believe you. Malcolm believes you as does Charlie. I'll fight this day in and day out if I have to."

"Why? Why would you fight for me? You have your own problems to deal with. I'm not worth it."

Helen rested a hand on his shoulder. "You are worth every minute to me. Your like a son to me. Your my child in a way. You have no idea how much it broke my heart to hear she did such a vile thing to you."

"I disobeyed. I deserved it."

Helen made him look at her. "Samuel, no one deserves such treatment. No one deserves to have their whole life ruined because some whore couldn't keep their hands to themselves."

Sam began to tear up. She pulled him close. "I know your scared. I know all of this hurts. Please hang in there, alright? I promise you. Once we find her, you'll never have to see her again. Please take care of yourself."


"Sam, please." Helen buried her face in his shoulder.

Sam looked down. "Alright..."

Helen pulled away. She took his hand in hers. "Also, I have a therapist coming to see you tomorrow. I think it might be good for you to have somebody you can vent to professionally."

Sam whimpered. "It's alright. They won't hurt you. Malcolm swears. If they try anything, then just scream and Malcolm will kick their asses for you. Then I'll kick Malcolm's ass for selecting such an asshole." mused Helen.

Sam gave her a loopsided grin. Helen touched his cheek. The two of them look at each other silently. Helen cleared her throat. "Right. I'll be back. There's something I have to check."

Sam nodded. Helen ruffled his hair. "Just stay here and rest."

Helen left the room. Guilt plagued her at every turn. A part of her wished she had gotten to Sam sooner. It pained her to see him in such a broken state. The past week hadn't been easy for her. She slept only for an hour each night before checking up on Sam.

Malcolm saw how pale and withdrawn his sister looked. He stood up from his perch. "Sis, you need to rest."

She held her hand up. "Not until Polonium is behind bars and he's safe."

"Nee, you can't protect him in this state. You can't help him when your not well yourself."

Helen shook her head. "I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see her. I see her killing him all because I wasn't fast enough."

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