Chapter 8: Schizophrenia

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Malcolm counted the number of minutes since he last heard from his sister in his head. He heard the door to Sam's room. Sam walked out of it. He walked past Malcolm. "Where are you going?"

"I saw her leave. She didn't come back. She could be in danger."

"But we don't know where to look."

Sam went downstairs. "You may not know but I think I know someone who does. You can either come with me or stay here."

Malcolm followed after him. "Now wait a minute, Sam, I never said I didn't want to help. I'm just dumbfounded."

"I saw her go down the Newtown road. We look for clues there." There was an authoritative tone in Sam's voice. Like he was so sure he knew where she was.

"Alright. I'll follow you then."

Sam's body shook as he ventured outside of the safety of the house. It was dark outside. He could feel his heart seizing up in his chest. He shook his head. He put his fear aside so he could concentrate on finding Helen.

They went up about halfway when Sam noticed Helen's hoodie laying on the ground. He bent down to pick it up. "She's been taken."

Malcolm growled quietly. "How much are you willing to bet it was Polonium?"

"More than what I made firefighting." Sam stood up. "I'm going after her."

"Sam, your in no condition to fight that woman. Helen wouldn't want you to get harmed for her sake."

"I'm what Polonium wants. I owe Helen my life. It's only fair I return the favor."

Sam gave the hoodie over to Malcolm. "Take care of the others, Malcolm." with that, Sam took off running into the night.

Malcolm let out a groan of annoyance. He gave chase. "that man is going to get himself killed!"

Helen steadily came to. She was hooked up to a machine that was leaking a strange bag of liquid into her system. She felt strange. She had a deep gash on her forehead from where she had been struck. Helen tried to move her arms only to find them strapped down to the arm rests of the chair. Panic settled in.

Polonium stood there watching her. "Your finally awake." she purred.

Helen kept silent. She watched as Polonium walked around her. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't." She then stopped in front of Helen. "You know. I'd never thought I would ever see another nurse in PontyPandy. I used to be one once upon a time until they took away my license. Those cretins couldn't understand genius."

Helen eyed her. She continued to keep silent. Polonium frowned. "Not going to talk to me, are you? Perhaps I can make things interesting for you."

Polonium took Helen's phone out of her pocket. She dialed a number on it.

Sam felt his phone buzz quietly He picked up when he realized it was Helen.

Sam: Helen!

Helen: Sam! Stay where you are! Don't-

Polonium: Samuel, I'm going to give you one final offer. You either meet me on the pier tonight alone or I put this nurse of yours to sleep. I've already poisoned her.

Sam: You bitch!

Helen: Sam! Don't come after me! Stay with Malcolm!

-Sam hears Helen get struck across the cheek.-

Polonium: Shut up! I didn't say you could speak. Sam, you have 5 minutes to make it down by the quay or else.

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