Chapter Ten: Reunion

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Sam laid quietly in his hospital bed. He was currently in Welshpool for treatment. He hadn't woken up since he arrived. Malcolm watched him worriedly. He had Winter sit outside to keep watch. Malcolm heard a light tap at the door. He got up to answer it. Helen stood on the other side of it. 

Malcolm let out a sigh of relief. He opened the door for her. "Come in."

Helen walked into Sam's room. "How is he?" she asked quietly.

"He's gone through a lot. I'll tell you that much. Starvation and exposure were two huge factors. They said that the poison Polonium had in his system has done a number to him."

"Will he live? I brought the cure with me."

"We'll see. He hasn't woken up since he arrived. He does call out for you occasionally."

Helen stood by Sam's bedside. She moved a strand of hair out of his face. He looked super pale. There were dark circles underneath of his eyes. Helen teared up a little bit. She looked down. Malcolm put a hand on her shoulder. He held her close. He rubbed her shoulder. "Nee, please don't blame yourself."

"It's very hard for me not to." She let out a shaky sigh. "Charlie wanted to come with me. He's waiting out in the hallway with Winter. He'll want to see Sam too."

Malcolm nodded. He went to let Charlie in. Charlie went over to his brother's bedside. His eyes softened. "Oh Sam.." he whispered.

"I'm sorry Charlie. I really am." whispered Helen.

"It's not your fault. It's not Professor bitch. I've never wanted to smack someone so hard before."

Helen smiled slightly. Charlie took his brother's hand. He ran his thumb over the back of his fingers. He placed his brother's hand on the side of his face. "Hang in there, Sam. I don't know if you can hear me but please get stronger. We need you. I can't lose you. Your all the family I have left."

Sam could hear faint voices in the room with him.  He couldn't make out what the voices were saying. However, one voice stood out to him.

"Hey traveler."

Sam opened his eyes. At first there wasn't anyone else in the room with him until he turned his head to see Cody standing by his bedside. Cody looked a lot less ragged than before. "Glad to see you took my advice. Kudos for staying alive."

"Cody? What are you doing here?"

"Oh ya know. Drifting. Figured I would come by to see you. Looks like you'll be okay after all. You got some worried folks."

"What folks? I don't see anyone here apart from you."

"That's because your hallucinatin', Samuel. I'm just a spirit that's keeping watch over you is all. Now whether or not you choose to believe that is up to you. Just note that I did get you here safe and sound."

Sam looked confused. "so you aren't real?"

"'fraid not. Oh well. The dream world is a very scary place." Cody leaned forward on the railing a bit. "I'm glad to see your okay. Looks like my work here is done. I'm going to let those folk talk to you now. Take care, Samuel. I hope we'll cross paths again someday."

Sam woke up slowly. His vision was a bit blurry. He let out a soft groan. Helen heard Sam stir. "Sam!"

Charlie hugged his brother. "Sam! Thank the gods your finally awake!"

Sam looked around weakly. "Where am I? Am I safe? Why am I laying here?" he asked.

"Your in a hospital in Welshpool. Your currently being taken care of cause you've been ill. Malcolm and Winter found you alongside the road." explained Helen. "Your safe as long as we're here."

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