Chapter Four: Done All Wrong

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Helen woke up to another vehicle pulling up alongside hers the next morning. She slowly peered into the window to see who it was. A white and blue van with police markings sat parked next to her. She laid Sam down on his blanket before going outside to talk to them.

A blonde haired male hopped out of the van. He walked around to the front of the van. He stopped seeing Helen. "Are you Ms. Flood?" he asked.

"Nurse Flood." corrected Helen.

The man bowed. "I'm Officer Price. I've been sent by my partner, Malcolm to assist you with getting everyone home."

Helen nodded. "Let's get everyone loaded and going then."

Sam heard commotion going on outside. He stirred softly. He snuck up close to the window. He spotted his friends being loaded into a van. He growled only to calm down when he spotted the PontyPandy Police Service logo on the back door. He sat down again. Helen opened the doors to the ambulance. "Morning Sam. How are you feeling?"

He shrugged quietly. He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself. "We're going to be following the police back to PontyPandy. It's a bit of a trip."

Sam nodded. He laid back down again. Once Helen made sure that Sam was going to be okay, She went around to the driver's side. She adjusted the rear-view mirror so she can still keep an eye on Sam. She followed in behind the police van.

Sam pulled the blanket over his face to help him sleep. Helen glanced at him through the mirror. She was relieved that he was resting at least.


Polonium returned from her outing. She opened the door to Sam's cell only to find him gone. She growled. "Crompton!"

The small scientist jumped at the sound of his name being called. "Yes Professor?"

"Where did Samuel run off to?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. I honestly thought he was resting considering how quiet he was in his cell."

She facepalmed. "You need to be watching our guests, idiot!"

She went over to the console. She pulled up the security footage. She noticed another woman leaving with Sam. She growled quietly. That woman was leaving with her property. ."I don't know why I bother leaving you in charge of anything!" she spat. "That bitch has left with our high value target!"

Crompton sank down further in his chair. "Sorry ma'am."

She sighed. "No matter. We'll just figure out a way of getting him back." She placed a hand over her stomach. She then grinned. "and I think I know how exactly we'll get him back."

It was the late afternoon hours before the convoy stopped in a nearby city to rest. Helen sat on one of the benches close to the ambulance. The three of days worth of tiredness crept up on her suddenly. She felt somebody sit next to her. She turned to see Winter sitting by her. He had a bag of food in his lap. He reached into it. He offered her a sandwich from it. She took it. "Figured you would be hungry."

"Thanks Winter." She undid the wrapper on it. "can you leave another with me so I can give it to Sam?"

He nodded. "sure." He slid another one over to her. Helen looked up at the evening sky.

Winter ate by her side quietly. He could sense that she was distraught by something. He looked at her. "Worried?"

"You have no idea." she muttered.

"I think I have a fair clue. Malcolm filled me in. Said you went rushing off like a bat out of hell."

"I couldn't help it. Some part of me wanted to help them. I'm not much of  a fighter but these firefighters are like my kids. If anything should happen to them, I'll never forgive myself for it."

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