Ashes - Chapter 129

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I hug him before walking back. But I stop and look back. "Hey Jason, do me a favor?"


"Don't forget me." I smile and leave before he can say anything else. I walk over to my parents. "I'm ready to go, if you still want me to." My father comes from behind my still crying mother.

"Yes, and you're not coming back."

"Now, that is not your decision." He was taken aback at my quick response.

"Excuse me miss?"

"This has become the school I care about the most. My sister, your daughter, spent her last aching moments, in that school. I am coming back, even if I have to walk." I huff and turn my heel. He doesn't stop me. I walk over to Freedom. "Well, this is it, I guess."

"There's always next year."

"I wouldn't bet too much on it. Chances are still fairly thin. Thank you. You helped me through so much. You definitely are Queen material. I respect that." I smile warmly and walk to the carriage. I climb in and so do my parents. I look out the window and wave to Freedom. I see Jason leaning against the side of the school and wave before the school is out of view. Then, my mom continues her rant on me being a disgrace and an embarrassment. I don't listen. I knew what I was. I was part of something.

I, was me.

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