chapter 1

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Labor Day. "Would you two go outside and play!" Vanessa says in a stern voice to Trent and Madalyn who are running around playing tag. The two children disappear from the kitchen. Vanessa grabs a package of hotdogs, some buns, and a bag of chips cramming them into the elbow of one arm while picking up the veggie plater with her free hand.

"I'll take that," Nickola says reaching for the veggie platter in Vanessa's hand.

"Please," she says exhausted. "And you think he would have wondered what's taking me so long. Men." Vanessa says as she shakes her head. "Where's Zara at?"

"Oh my mom's in town. Ya know she loves to spend the night whenever mom's here. She'll bring her by later," Nickola says grabbing a carrot. "I noticed the Ferrari out front. Was kinda hoping he'd skip the party," she says bitting the carrot.

"Kellen...miss an opportunity to see you. Never," Vanessa says sarcastically. Nickola rolls her eyes. The two ladies exit the kitchen and make their way to the backyard.

"Here's the rest of them." Vanessa hands a package of hotdogs to Greyson. She puts the rest of the items on a table next to the cooler. He opens the package and puts the hotdogs on the grill.

"Good to see you again Nikki," says Kellen with a wide smile.

"Hello Kellen," says Nicola as she looks away to scan the others at the party. There is good crowd of people composed of Vanessa's family and Greyson's coworkers. The kids are playing in the pool while others enjoy the eighty degree weather. Her mind begins to drift to last Labor Day. "Why does everything have to be your way? You're so selfish!" Wes yelled. "How's that when every other time we're with your parents? I want to come to one party my friend has and I'm selfish," said Nickola. "Yes Nikki. It always has to be your way!" Nickola's thoughts are broken by a tiny voice, "Mommy!" Zara runs and gives Nickola a hug.

"Hey you made it," she says returning the hug. Zara spots Madalyn and runs off with her.

Nickola's mother comes to greet everyone before leaving. "So Nikki there's still an opening at the firm. A much more comfortable chair than the one you're sitting in I bet." Kellen says with a chuckle.

"The chair I sit in is fine. And I like my job." Nickola says obviously annoyed.

"How long have you been there?"

"Fifteen years. It's my career now."

"I hear they offer a good retirement package," says Greyson. He puts the cooked hotdogs on a platter and gives it to Vanessa.

"Yes, and with the years I've put in I may as well stay. I'm half way there."

"There's nothing wrong with driving a bus," Vanessa says defensively.

"I'm not saying there is. Just saying there's something better," says Kellen.

"Alright," Vanessa sighs. "I'm gonna get me a drink." She pulls Nickola by the wrist giving Greyson a why did you invite him look.

"He just doesn't quit!" Nickola says as she rolls her eyes.

"Greyson only keeps him around for his brains", Vanessa laughs. "Trent! Madalyn! Time to eat," she hollers as she motions for the kids to get out of the pool.

"You too Zara!" shouts Nickola.

They walk over to the patio table and get the kids situated to eat. Vanessa brings two wine coolers and hands one to Nickola. "Ugh," Nickola whines as she takes one of the wine coolers.

"Just one," Vanessa pressures her.

"Hey Mrs. V," Bronze says from behind. The sun makes the gold on his teeth and around his neck shine.

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