Chapter 10

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~The Cliff~

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~The Cliff~

*start song*
The next morning I woke up before Adrian.

There was no class today so I decided to just go lay down in my dorm. Yeah. That sounds nice.

Slipping on my clothes quietly, I tried to sneak out of the room but of course things never go my way. "Where are you going?" Adrian demanded sleepily.

"To my dorm. I have to change and shower"

He rolled back over and closed his eyes. "Fine. But remember your rules. I will know if you disobey"

"I know" I whispered before opening the door and leaving to go to my dorm.

When I arrived, Nyx and Lucille were already awake. The moment their eyes landed on mine they let out a relieved sigh, "Thank goodness Aria. Enzo was literally losing his mind after you didn't come back last night. You scared him. You scared all of us." Nyx smiled

My heart broke. I had to shut this all down but I didn't know how. So, I decided to pick a fight. "I can't believe you have the audacity to talk to me after what you did." I spat

"E-excuse me?"

I rolled my eyes, "You let that all happen last night? You are so mean to Adrian for no reason and I'm done with it."

It was Lucille's turn to speak now. "What do you mean you're done with it?"

Every part of my mask was breaking but I'd have to fix it later. Right now, I needed to destroy the most important friendships I had because I was stupid enough to give a psychopath another chance.

"I'm done with you guys constantly being selfish. You guys are not my friends. Not when all you care about is yourselves. I'm done"

Nyx was completely still. Probably with shock.

"Aria you don't mean that" Luce whispered going to touch my shoulder but I pulled back.

"Don't touch me" I said throwing as much venom in my words as possible.

I could feel my life falling out of my hands.

Tears glistened in Lucille's eyes. I looked over to Nyx to see her still standing there silently until she finally spoke. "Is something happening Aria? You can tell us"


"No. Just leave me alone for God's sake" I rolled my eyes and laid down on my bed.

It was silent for a moment as I waited for them to leave. The moment the door shut I broke down. Casting a silencing charm I let my sobs loose. I wasn't really sure whether I was yelling or crying but either way my whole body was shaking.

I can't do this. I can't do this.

I wanted to run out and tell Luce that I loved our friendship. I wanted to tell Nyx that she was right and I was desperate need of help, but too much was at stake. If they figured everything out, there was no telling whether I would have my friends anyways.

Timeless // Lorenzo BerkshireWhere stories live. Discover now