Chapter 29

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~Like Father Like Son~

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~Like Father Like Son~

All thoughts in my head were silent as I stared at the letter in front of me. What would Lucius Malfoy want to write to me for?

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open the letter in front of me. Maybe it would be better to open in tomorrow. Yeah, I'll do that.

Letting out a sigh I continued to gather my clothes and go to the shower. I turned on the water and undressed quickly before stepping in. The hot water hit my skin making me let out a sigh of relief.

Tomorrow. It could all wait until tomorrow.

I took a while to wash my body and get dressed. Once I was finished I walked over to Enzo's dorm and knocked on the door. The door swung open to reveal him standing there in only sweats, his hair wet from the shower.

"Hello darling" He smiled ushering me in.

I smiled back and plopped down on his bed climbing under the covers. "Someone wants to go to bed early... is everything alright?"

Deciding that I would wait to see what the letter said to tell him about it I simply nodded, "Well after the events in the bathroom I'm pretty exhausted" I said instead.

A knowing look crossed Enzo's features as he crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Goodnight my love" I whispered closing my eyes

The brunette placed a kiss on my back. "Goodnight Ari. I love you"

Before I could answer though I was already falling into a deep sleep, leaving the worries of that damned letter behind.


The next morning I woke before Enzo and quickly headed to my room. The girls were gone so I assumed that they were already at breakfast. School was starting today which meant that that had gotten up early.

Grabbing the letter I held it in my hands once more before taking a deep breath and opening it.


It has come to my attention that you are aware of Draco's current task and what it is. Make no mistake when I say that you figuring this out was a major mistake on your part. You are now under constant surveillance and trust me when I say if you tell anyone we will know.

That being said, I have news for you along with your own special set of instructions. Your father has just recently learned about you and is very eager to see you himself. "

Timeless // Lorenzo BerkshireWhere stories live. Discover now