Cutie - 1

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I was in my apartment, getting ready for my shift at a local cafe in Melbourne, I had recently moved to Australia since life in California wasn't the best during and after high school, I was constantly getting bullied for being gay and after school was over I thought I was free but eventually I would accidentally bump into my old bullies and they would beat me up on the side of the road or in ally ways, I just needed to get out of that life and start a new one but no one knows who I am, I don't tell anyone I am gay, most people can't even tell, but thankfully girls rarely get hit on me, Tobi gets hit on the most.

Tobi is one of my co-workers, she's super sweet and very pretty, I don't blame anyone for uncontrollable hitting on her. She's been helping me get around the city, ya know the basics, how not to get scammed, what cabs to take, where certain stores are. She gets all the girls, Jay gets pretty jealous, another great co-worker, I don't know him personally but he's quite funny and he does play games a lot.

As I walk to the cafe it began to rain, "seriously?" I groan I was going to have to work in wet clothes, that's great, I use my backpack as an umbrella as I swiftly walk to the building, I open the door and I'm met with a bunch of eyes just staring at me, the place was packed but that's just because it was raining, I quickly go into the staff room before our manager could gives me shit for being late, but it was too late she had already caught up to me, waiting in the staff room for me, she sat down with her legs crossed with her hands on her knees "took you long enough" she looks at her watch "I'm so sorry, I was unable to get a cab so I had to walk here" I explain, "Yeah, yeah whatever, that's your last late note, if you're late again I'll have to fire you, and the day I fire you will be the best day of my life" she snickers and got up, I sigh and place my things into my locker, "shes a bitch" Tobi walks up next to me, "tell me about it" I try to dry my uniform off with a towel, the manager, aka Emily Bent, has been on my ass since I started working here, I don't even know why, she's always hated me for what ever reason, all she does is flip her blond hair over her shoulder and flirt with all guy customers.

I go to an open cash register and call up someone from the line, "good morning, what can I get for you?" I greet, after taking many orders, it was pouring hard outside, many people stayed comfortable by the fireplace, some people watched the game going on the Tv, were on their phones, or talking to each other everyone had already gotten their order so I was talking to Tobi and Jay until I get slightly startled by the bell that rang when someone opens the door, I turn around to look at who it was, they were tall and clearly rich, since they were wearing a pretty fancy black suit, he had dirty blond hair and amazing blue eyes when he took off his jacket and his shirt was tight around his arms showing off his muscles, I feel my cheeks heat up and I knew I was blushing, Tobi obviously noticed since she giggles and said "that one is all yours" she went to the back with Jay, "wait, what?" I blush even more seeing him walk up to me, his lips were plump and a soft natural pink color, "w-welcome, what c-can I get you?" I stutter, real smooth Eric, he chuckles softly "you don't seem to be on the menu" he flirts, I'm basically a tomato at this point, "um... I-" I couldn't help but look into his deep ocean eyes, "oh my, I'm so sorry is he bothering you," Emily says in a fake white girl tone, of course, she had to come along and be all "nice", "no, not at all I just about to order" he smiles slightly "what can I help you with?" we say at the same time, she glares over at me, "I'll let the cutie take my order" he raises his eyebrow looking at me, obviously wanting Emily to take it, I step back from the register, she gives him a fake smile "not you, the cutie" he points at me shutting Emily down, I try not to laugh at the expression on her face, she grunts and marched away, I clear my throat "what can I get you?" I ask "a plain coffee with milk" I nod "will that be all?" "Possibly a date with you" he bites his bottom lip and playfully looks away, "take me out to dinner first," I say, I was so distracted but he's the hottest guy I've ever seen, I couldn't help but be gay, "I have to take you out to dinner before taking you out to dinner?" He questions, "I'm sorry, I'm terrible at flirting that kind of my flirtatious defense" I shook my head, snapping myself out of my daze, "oh, defense?" "I-I didn't mean it like that, I mean you're super hot, fuck what I was trying to say, yes I will go out with you," I say fluttered, he laughs to himself "you are something else, Mr.Mathews" he gives me his card to pay for the coffee, I thought he already knew who I was until I remembered I was at work and my name was on, my whole name, "oh, sorry we don't accept Capital black card" I informed, "how come?" "Well it's not like rich businessmen, walk in and out of here everyday" I shrugged and he hands me cash instead, "keep the change," he says "what? It's 100 bucks though," I say, "keep it for yourself" he winks, I blush and smile softly.

When Tobi brought out his drink the rain had calmed down, he took his drink and left waving goodbye, once he was confirmed gone I smile widely to myself, a super hot gay guy asked me out, wait he asked me out but never got my number "fuck my life" I groan leaning my elbows on the counter "what's wrong?" Jay asks "I didn't give him my number, now I'll never see him again" I pout, "thank god you have the best wing-pal in the world" Tobi grins "what did you do?" I question, "I may or may not have written your number on his cup" she smiles, "oh, thank god" I hug her tightly, I smile to myself, that was the hottest man I've ever seen walk the earth and he actually wants to go out with me, I can't wait to see if he actually texts me.

Word Count: 1186

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