I'm Not Crazy!

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Nya Smith was not crazy. 

Not one bit.

It wasn't the fact that she wore a white hospital-gown like garment, and it definitely wasn't because she was held in a white room, where she ambled around, talking to her past teammates.

It wasn't because her once blackish, chocolate brown eyes that once held so much emotion in it, were now bloodshot and tear-stained, and definitely crazy looking. 

It wasn't because her hair, once sleek, short, and black, was a faded color, her hair now past her waist, and bedraggled and stringy as if she hadn't had a proper shower in over 10 years. 

Which she hadn't. 

The last time Nya Smith remembered showering was about a week ago if you'd called standing in water bawling her eyes out, a shower. 

It was her body, once straight, and strong, was now thin and slouched. Nya didn't remember the last time she ever had a proper meal, as most of the meals given to her were just rations of a mystery stew, bread, and water. 

It wasn't because Nya Smith couldn't process the gruesome ends of each one of her former teammates. 

It wasn't because Nya Smith was crazy.

Because in Nya Smith's eyes, she wasn't crazy. Not one bit.

Not when Misako came by the mental hospital to talk with her.  

Not when Sensei Wu tried to hand her some tea. 

Not when Dareth tried to snap her out of "it" and was actually serious for once in his life.

Not when Ronin snapped his fingers multiple times in front of her and then cussed her out, knowing it would cause a reaction from the Water Ninja, but it didn't.

Not when Ed and Edna came and tried comforting her. 

Not when her parents consoled her about Kai and Jay's death. 

Not when Lou tried to sing her back to the land of the sane. 

And especially not when Cyrus Borg tried putting her into a machine, so that they could take a closer look at her mind, and what was wrong.

Because Nya Smith wasn't crazy. 

She only saw her past teammates, even though they were dead. 

"Jay, don't go. I don't want to see them again." Nya begged to absolutely no one. "I'm not crazy! I've never been crazy! I'm not crazy!"

The girl shrieked and banged at the one-way window, where "Jay" should have been. Her eyes twitched, and her face turned wild, eyes leaking down the same paths on her once clean face, banging desperately on the window, calling for Jay not to go. 

"They already left me! All of them did! You can't leave me! I love you! I love you, Jay!" Nya Smith cried, sliding down, and shivering on the cold tile floors. 

The conclusion?

Nya Smith was not crazy.

She was insane. 

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