Chapter One

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The road was empty, despite the fact it was a Sunday afternoon. It was one of the things she liked about small towns, when asked, compared to larger cities were one could find themselves in traffic for more then half of the day.

  Lillie only sighed as she looked at the rear view mirror, she had been planning to check the road behind her, but she couldn't see anyone behind her, instead she her younger brother. Pouting like a five year old forced to go to bed.

  She knew Ivan wasn't going to be happy with the move, since he was about to start his senior year, but that didn't change the fact that he was acting like a child.

  "Why did we have to move in the middle of the year?" Ivan asked looking at the seat in front of him, he didn't need to look at Lillie to know she was disappointed in him. He could feel it.

  "Ivan, it's only one year and next summer you can apply for university," Lillie told him, she wanted to look at him, but she wasn't prepared to risk their lives. She knew he would be fine, she had a good feeling about Shae. "You know mother and father want me to talk to Mr Kaiser."

  "Mr Kaiser."

  "The landlord of the property father has been looking at. He hasn't agreed to sell, but he has agreed to talk to me."

  "So why am I here?" he asked running his hand through his short raven hair, he could understand Lillie being sent to talk to Mr Kaiser, since she was the one they left in charge of their America branch when they had to travel overseas.

  "We're going to a pretty popular location," she told him a smile on her face, she didn't know how to tell him father's words, since she didn't agree with him. "Everyone knows that Shae is becoming more popular, so we want to get our hands in first."

  "So why am I here?"

  "Father thinks you're becoming a brat."


  'And that's the reason,' Lillie thought as she sighed, she knew they had their reasons and were concerned and she could see why her father thought he was becoming a brat, since it looked like he was seconds away from screaming at her.

  Not that anyone could tell. He was good at hiding his feelings until he snapped, but she knew her baby brother. She knew him too well.

  "Father thinks you're a spoilt brat, one he can't leave any part of his business to," Lillie told him, she knew that only the harsh truth would be of any use to him. "While mother wants you to travel more, see other places besides the city. I think it's the perfect time to get away from Alice and Bennett."

  Ivan never liked the blonde female, Alice, while she was one of many. She was also a giant thorn in his side. He had the entire Branch family a thorn in his side, he didn't care if his father was friends with them.

  Lillie was just happy to get away from her ex, she didn't care that Bennett was seventeen years older then her. She had a weakness for older men and wasn't going to change her preference because of one controlling bastard. That was all he was in the end, through sadly, she still had to work with him. Damn her father and his blasted pride, still she had to thank her co-workers.

  When the rumours about Shea started, she had been the first to look into it. If anyone of them were true, then she doubted any of their stay was going to be normal. Lillie never cared for normal anyway, some of her friend's during her High School years went to the local public school.

  She had people tell her that Shea was a 'lovely community, if a little unusual', and that those who lived there were 'nice enough, if somewhat odd and strange' and that the town itself was 'beautiful, but weirder then a bag of cats'.

  She had been told not to be 'surprised by anything you see there. It's normal for them, meant not be for you.' If she didn't know any better, she would have thought he was trying to scare her away from the place, but everything she had read abut Shea, only spoke highly of it.

  That their schools, primary through to university, were some of the best in the country. Along with some strange rock formations and cave paintings from before the settlement of America, making it one of the best locations for those in retirement or looking for a nearby, but peaceful holiday.

  "You always do what mother and father want," Ivan muttered under his breath, looking out of the window while crossing his arms. He didn't want to be in the middle of nowhere, but between this and being locked in a closet with Alice.... well, he'd choose this any day of the week.

  "Ivan, simply think of it this way," Lillie told him wondering what snaky remark he made this time. "We're getting from Alice, along with the rest of your fanclub, along with my own."

  Ivan only rolled his eyes at her words, making her want to slap the expression off his face, but she didn't know how Mr Kaiser would react to her brother turning up at his place with a red check, or a bruise. He always did bruise easily, to her it was simply something that came with having ivory skin.

  "What do you know about Shea?" Ivan asked he might as well know something about the town he was being forced to live in. It was better then going in blind as a bat.

  "I gave you a book baby brother," Lillie told him a growing smile on her face. If she was going to change his view on things, she might as well start with this. "Not everything in this world is going to be freely given. So you want to know. Read."

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