~ Year 6 Chapter 14 ~

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Draco's POV

I can't do this really... I still wonder why the Dark Lord pick me... Even though there is more Professional Death eaters... I sighed... I came out to see Y/n wearing a sleeve black shirt,black pants And black boot heels

 I came out to see Y/n wearing a sleeve black shirt,black pants And black boot heels

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Her hair was braided...

She was staring through the fire

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She was staring through the fire... Her face was blank... Her eyes were still dark brown, I like her icy grey eyes better... My heart broke to see her like this... She knew what she had done... And she never regret it.. She knew she was the only one who had the power to do it... She flinched, Ugh... This keeps happening... Ow! I rushed over, Y/n.. Are you okay? Yeah i'm okay at least for the moment.. We have to kill him.. Today. Or not this torture is going to keep going... Ow! Okay... Let's go... 

Y/n's POV

My fingers were hurting a lot... My heart was shattered... Cause if Draco didn't succeed I have to be the one to killed my one true love... After the death eaters were inside Hogwarts... Me and Draco went to the Astronomy Tower... Draco approach him first... The pain strike again in my neck... I tried to control it... 

Dumbledore saw Draco and i, Good evening, Draco and Y/n... What brings you here, In this fine spring evening... Who's Here? I heard you talking! I often talk aloud to myself. Ifind it extraordinarily useful.That which sounds sane at awhisper can seem utterly mad whensaid for all the world to hear.Haven't been whispering toyourself, have you, Draco? Draco eyes Dumbledore with unease. You are not an assassins, Draco and Y/n. How do you know what I am? I'vedone things that would shock you. Dumbledore replied, Like cursing Katie Bell and hopingshe would, in turn, bear a cursednecklace to me? Like replacing abottle of mead with one laced withpoison. Forgive me, Draco, butthese are attempts so feeble Icannot help but question if yourheart has been really in them.I'm curious. When Voldemort gaveyou this task, when he asked youto kill me, was it in a whisper? I took a deep breathe... Draco said, He trusts me! I was chosen! Draco thrusts out his arm, pulls back his sleeve andreveals the Dar. Dumbledore barely looks at it. Then I shall make it easy for you....Slowly and without intent, Dumbledore draws his wand. *Instantly Malfoy raises his own...Expelliarumus! Harry watches in horror as Dumbledore's wand flies free, *clattering across the grid above. Malfoy watches it roll *to a stop, a curious mixture of fear and awe at his own *actions. Dumbledore eyes the wand, then Draco. Well done, Draco. But I warn you. *Killing is not nearly as easy. Malfoy looks into Dumbledore's eyes, then to the sky, at *the gathering clouds, twisting darkly, then glances tothe stairwell. Dumbledore notices. I looked away... You're not alone. Are you. Thereare others. How? A sneering smile plays over Draco's lips. The Vanishing Cabinet in the Roomof Requirement. That cabinet has been broken foryears, Dumbledore replied... We've been mending it. Ingenious. Let me guess. It hasa sister. A twin. In Borgin & Burkes. They form- Draco was cut off by Dumbledore.. A passage, yes. Very good. They both looked at each other... I once knew a boy years ago whomade all the wrong choices. Letme help you, Draco. My eyes begin to tear up.. I don't want your help! Don't yousee! I have to do it! I have to! Draco whispered, I've got to kill you or he'll killme. Say that again, Draco. But aloudthis time. Draco looks deep into Dumbledore's eyes. His handtrembles. Transfixed, Harry watches from the shadows.Slowly, Draco begins to LOWER HIS WAND... when FOOTSTEPSECHO. The Door Opened Bellatrix, Greyback and theothers went in... Bellatrix said, Well now, look what we have here.Dumbledore. Wandless and alone.Cornered in his own castle. Welldone, Draco and Y/n. Good evening, Bellatrix. I thinkintroductions are in order, Dumbledore said..Love to, Albus. But I'm afraidwe're on a bit of a tightschedule, Bellatrix eyed him...Do it. Greyback spoke He doesn't have the stomach. Likehis father. Let me finish him.In my own way. No! The Dark Lord was clear. Theboy's to do it. Go on, Draco.Now!Once again Draco raises his wand, his hand trembling.Harry's own arm is stiff, sure. The vein in his handpulsates... Severus...Dumbledore spoke, I turned around and look back at Dumbledore... Well, look who's here. Hogwartsown Defense Against the Dark Artsteacher. Come to see theslaughter? Bellatrix giggled..Severus... please, Dumbledore said... I gave my word. I made a vow...Snape's armrises. Avada Kedavra! I widened my eyes as a Jet green light hits Dumbledore squarely in thechest. For a second he hangs, suspended upon theramparts, and then... the night swallows him.Bellatrix raises her wand to thesky and a DEAFENING BLAST shakes the castle,The CLOUDS EXPLODE with GRIM LIGHT,mutating into a SKULL. As the Death Eaters flee... Draco grabbed my arm and we both ran.... Harry then ran to the three of us, Harry shot a spell on Snape... Cruciatus! Snape dogged his spell... Incacerata! Once again, Snape deflects the spell. Impedimenta! Another lazy flick of the arm, another curse defeated.Harry drops his arm in frustration. Fight! Fight back, you coward!With staggering quickness, Snape's wand whips forth andHarry is off his heels and crashing to the earth. Don't ever associate that word andmy name again.Harry raises himself up on one knee, points his wandwhen... a JET of RED LIGHT sends him crashing back intothe grass. Snape wheels, sees Bellatrix standing behind.No! He belongs to the Dark Lord!Bellatrix eyes Snape levelly, then turns, trots off.Snape glances at Harry, then turns away himself, walking.Harry grimaces, pulls himself to his feet and aims onelast time. Sectumsempra!Bang! Snape wheels and once more sends Harry flying ontohis back. Harry stares at the stars as they wheel overhim, when Snape comes INTO VIEW. You dare use my own spells againstme, Potter? Snape spoke...You may have gotten your mother'seyes, but you're as dim as yourfather. Yes. It's me. I'm theHalf-Blood Prince. 

Draco grabbed me and we both ran... Bellatrix then shows up in front of both of us, Y/n! Kill him! Draco, Didn't kill Dumbledore, Did he now? I widened my eyes and blinked... Bellatrix said, You know Draco... You were my favorite nephew but you have to be killed.... Do it. Y/n. I swallowed hard... And grab one of dagger.... As i was about to kill my true love, Snape sees what i was about to do... MERLIN'S BEARD! Y/n, What are you doing! Bellatrix spoke, He didn't do the "job" that the Dark Lord ask him... Now he has to be killed... No... He is not going to be killed... He did the Job... He distracted him and got his wand... Fine, Bellatrix said... I hugged Draco tightly.... He hugged me back... Snape then said, Both of you go to bed.. Before anyone sees you... We both nodded..

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