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Main character point of view
I was forced in to this small room, handcuffed, at least that's what I think. I can't move my hands apart, but I can't remember how I got here. And- wait, who am I? An-AHH! I'm blind, no the lights just turned on. But wait, who are they?
There stood 6 other teens. The first one had hair so red it seemed as if it was made of fire, with a red t-shirt and jeans, her hands were also handcuffed. The second one was a tall male with thick brown hair with a streak of black through it. He was wearing a long black button up shirt with jeans. He wasn't just handcuffed, his feet were chained to the floor. There was a tall girl with a long blonde braid, and a loose green top with light blue jeans. She also had unusually pointy ears. She and every one else was handcuffed. The other boy had short dark red hair, wearing a tuxedo with a green tie. The 3rd boy appeared to be very strong. He had black hair, black t-shirt with jeans. A little to the left of the group, there stood a girl, the last mender of the group. She had dark blonde curly hair with a short orange dress with black tights.
"Who are you?" I ask nervously. "I'm Emily." The girl with the red hair responded. "But who are you?"
I thought about it hard." I don't know." The tall boy with his feet chained to the floor glared at me an said " I'm not surprised. We all had our memories temporary stolen from us. It shouldn't last long. P.S I'm Justin." Emily looked at his feet. "Why did they chain you when you only tried to run once?" "It's because I tried to use it." He said in shame.
"Tried to use what?" I asked. "Nothing." Justin said sharply. "I'm Snape." Said the boy in the tux. "If you're wondering why I'm in a tux, it's because....well...umm...I don't know why but I like it."
" So you know, I'm Maddy, and the girl over there is Mackenzie. She's mad at us." Said the girl with the long braid. "So do you remember who you are?" Emily asked nicely.
"I'm Heather. But I still don't understand how we got here." They all though about it. "You were kidnapped. We all were." Justin said.
No longer from Heathers point of view
The group talked about who they are to get there memories back faster. They talked until Mackenzie screamed. Heather looked where Mackenzie was looking. There it was. A night fury. The black beast put fear into the hearts of every one but Heather and Justin. Both amazed as another one swoops in. This one a little different than the first. It had red eyes instead of green. And you can see its bones through its transparent black skin. Heather and Justin both had the same look on their faces. They knew the dragons from somewhere.

I hope you liked part one of my book "the guardians" part two is coming soon

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