Coby and Zoro

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Light hit just right in the barrel that Luffilia sleeped in after a whirlpool was spotted. Luffilia lifted her head as she rubbed her eyes. "What with all the ruckus? Can a girl get some sleep?" She said, having a finale stretch before feeling two swords pointing at her. "Good morning." Luffilia said before lifting her glistening hand. "Constellation Aries," Luffilia said as a Ram made out of star dust and stars ran into the middle man knockin him out. "Constellation Scutum," a large rectangle shield, blocked the two swords before parry the sword upwards. Making the two drag the third person back to their captain.

Luffilia turned around to see a boy about the same age as her curled up into a ball. Luffilia, having not come out of the barrel, finally did before poking the teen. "Please don't hurt me." The teen said, making Luffilia step back, looking around at where she was. "I wasn't going, hey, is there any food." Luffilia said, making the teen look at her. Luffilia was wearing a red tank top with one side tied showing her hour glass figure. Jean shorts that fray at the bottom just rest below her bottom showing her legs as platform wedge sandals adorned her feet, completing the look was the straw hat.

After giving her food and telling her where she was and who he was, Coby just watched as she ate the apples. "Wow, I never met a big coward like you before." Luffilia said, making Coby sob in understanding. "I am, aren't I?" He said as Luffilia petted his hair. "I don't mind dying for the sake of my dream of finding one piece." Luffilia said, smiling down at Coby. "My dream is to join the marines one day." Coby said after two long years of hopeless thinking. Only for it to be crushed latterly by Alvida. "Coby, tell me, who is the most beautiful woman of all?" Alvida said, smirking down at him as her mace was lifted, waiting for his answer. "Hey Coby, who is this ugly woman?" Only met with silence, and Coby was about coward but looking at Luffilia and remembering his dream. "Luffilia is far more beautiful than you'll ever be!" Coby said, making Luffilia smile as he took a stand against Alvida.

Just as Alvida was about to hit Coby, Luffilia used her devil fruit. "Constellation Scutum" As the mace went down, hitting the shield as Luffilia stood in front of Coby. "Constellation Taurus." A bull came out of the shield as it ram at Alvida, lifting her up, sending her back to her boat, making her crew run after her.

Coby stood still as he stared in awe at Luffilia as she walked off the passenger ship. "Well, aren't you coming?" Luffilia said, climbing into a life boat. "What?" Coby said, looking at her as she got things set up. "Well, you want to go in the marines, right?" Luffilia said as if it was obvious. "Ya, I do." Coby said, climbing in. "Good because I think those one over there would have arrested you instead." As she said that, Coby started to pedal faster for only Luffilia to help out. "Constellation Vela," the small sail came to life as it moved farther away. "Wait, we need to go the other way!" Coby said as the boat stopped turning the other way. "I know that." Luffilia said, using Argo to sail the boat.

Shells Town

Luffilia and Coby got off the boat when they came to the pier of Shells Town. "So this Zoro guy is here?" Luffilia said, looking around. Only for the people at the market they were passing jump back at the mention of his name. "Okay, that was weird?" Luffilia said, looking around as people walk skittish around them. "Come to think about it. I think Captain Morgan runs this base here?" Even more people jumped and started to run away from them. "This is a weird town." Luffilia said, looking at the people before seeing a big wall, so she used triangulum to lift herself up. "What are you doing!" Coby said, seeing Luffilia was on the wall. "Is that him?" Luffilia asked as triangulum australe carried him up to look over the wall. "That him!" Coby said, becoming more scared as Zoro looked at them. A clunk of a ladder was heard as a small girl climb up, holding something close to her chest.

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