A Win Lose

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Luffilia, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp stood in front of the cooks as Zeff introduced themselves. "Cooks these are Luffilia and her pirate crew, they where willing to help us in exchange for cooking tips and belis." Zeff said as Sanji looked at them. Luffilia waived as she gave a small smile, Zoro was yawning as he lay back, and Nami had an irritable smile as Usopp stood tall and proud.

As the others looked at Luffilia. "How did she rope us into this again?" Zoro asked as he and the other wait tables. "She said something about hopping one of the cooks would join us and she also promised we earn 1000 belis per hour if we work." Usopp said, caring a try full of food. "Speaking of Luffilia? Where is she?" Nami asked, cleaning a table.

Luffilia was taken to the back by Zeff to work under Sanji. "I thought we were looking for a cook?" Sanji said as he and Luffilia cooked. "Still am, but I'm a patient woman bying my time until someone is willing to be our chef." Luffilia said, cutting the vegetables. Sanji came behind, cupping both of her hands and working together to cut them. "You are holding the knife wrong. You must cut down in one swoop, never stop. Dice them, but don't mince them." Sanji said in Luffilia's ear, only to be kicked by a wooden leg. "I told you to help her cook, not seduced her." Zeff said as Sanji held his head as Luffilia try to not laugh too hard.

They were back on the Going Merry for the night exhausted. "I don't know what's harder waiting tables or cleaning them." Usopp said with his head on the table as the others agreed. A knock was heard from outside, making Zoro open it to show Sanji with food. "Hello, I thought I would treat our newest wait staff with some food. Mind if I come in?" Zoro moved to the side after one look at Luffilia face at the mention of food.

Luffilia invited Sanji in for a bit, to which he agreed. "Who can deny a fair maiden's offer." Sanji said, taking a spot between Luffilia and Nami before grabbing their midsection, only met with a hit on the head by Nami. Sanji just lit a cigarette as he sat on a stool as everyone ate. "So mind if I asked why you're pirates?" Sanji as Luffilia swallowed her fill. "Oh, I always wanted to be one since I was a little girl. My goal is to find the One Piece and become the king of the pirates." Luffilia said smiling as Zoro took his turn. "I was more less blacked mail by Luffilia here, but my word is my honor." Zoro said, taking a drink. "What's your goal?" Sanji asked, not looking up at him. "Non of your business swirl brow." Zoro said only to tick off Sanji.

Luffilia hit Zoro in the knee, making him hold it. "He wants to be the greatest swordsman in the world." Luffilia said as Nami took over. "I'm just here until I get 10 million belis, but to humor you, I want to make the best map of the whole world and navigate it." Nami said as Usopp slammed his hand down with the most serious expression. "I just wanted to be a pirate just because and to be the bravest warrior!" Usopp said as Luffilia clapped. "What about you, Sanji?" Nami asked as Sanji took blow smoke. "I want to find all blue." Sanji said as a small smile appeared. "Isn't that the rumor where all four seas connect?" Luffilia said as Sanji nodded. "Yes to find where all blue where northern cod swims with mahi-mahi in the same place any chefs dream." Sanji said smiling with pride but stopped as if he was weighted down. "But I can't fulfill that dream just yet." Sanji said as he got up and went back to Baratie.

Luffilia and the others worked for two more days when Don Krieg came there. Luffilia looked out as his ship came out. "For a famous pirate in these parts, I feel really under whelmed." Luffilia, as as Usopp, holds on to her. "It looks damaged." Sanji said as his cigarette hung off to the side. "They most of had gone through a typhoon." Sanji said as the other nodded. The doors open to show Gin holding up Don Krieg. They looked starved and in bad condition, begging for water and food. Luffilia was about to when Sanji held her back, shacking his head. As he got it himself, he kicks Patty to give it to him. A cook then explained everything about him when Don Krieg took a swing at Sanji.

Don Krieg demanded food for his crew as they were close to the death door. Sanji started to head to the kitchen when the cooks pointed guns at him. Sanji explained that it was his job to cook, not to judge them. Chef Zeff came out giving them a bag of food, sending Don Krieg on a tangent as he knew Zeff back when he was a pirate.

Then he went on about a logbook and how he would be the pirate king. "Know, wait a minute, I'm going to be King of the pirates!" Luffilia said, looking at Don Krieg as he just laughed. "You little girl? King of the pirates, you wouldn't last a day out there." Don Krieg said as the cooks chimed in about how she should stay out of this. "Not after he said that." Luffilia said, smiling as Don Krieg just to make her eat her words. "This is not a game, little girl." Making Luffilia roll her eyes. "Well, obviously." Luffilia said as Zoro stood behind her, taking off his apron as did the others. "Need a hand?" Zoro said, but Luffilia waved him off.

Don Krieg just laughed it off. "Don't make me laugh." Don Krieg said, taking the bag of food telling them he would be back. Gin started to cry and apologize, talking about the seven days they were out there talking to a man going by Hawk eye. "Hawk eye?" Usopp asked as Luffilia nodded. "I heard of him." Luffilia said as Zoro nodded. "He's known as the greatest swordsman in the world." Zoro said, crossing his arms. Zeff then explained that what the grand line was, that anything could happen.

Luffilia placed a hand on her cheek as she thought about the grand line until she smiled bigger. "The grand line sounds better and better." Making a lot of the cooks look at her as if she was crazy. Just then, the ship was hit by Don Krieg as Luffilia looked around. "Wait, where's Nami?" Luffilia asked as she and the others ran out to see Johnny and Yosaku in the water. They explained that Nami took their ship and money. "She took my ship!" Luffilia said as Zeff told them that he was here.

The man who sunked the 50 ships. Zoro has been looking for him as it was his dream to defeat him for the title of greatest swordsman. Luffilia watched as Zoro challenged Dracule Mihawk. Luffilia watched as Zoro and Mihawk fought, Zoro gave his all while Mihawk just played around. Luffilia keeped Johnny and Yosaku from interfering. "Luffilia?" Usopp asked, looking at her. Zoro was stabbed as Mihawk questioned him. Then he took out Yoru, his most prized sword. Zoro was then cut down by Mihawk. "Zoro!" Luffilia said stared with wide eyes as he was sliced down.

Johnny and Yosaku dived in to grab Zoro as Luffilia used her devil fruit. "Constellation Reticulum!" Luffilia said as a net down on Mihawk as the other grabbed him. Luffilia looked at him before using Ophiuchus. "Is he going to be fine, sister Luffilia?" Johnny asked as the wound stopped bleeding. "I can only stop the bleeding for the actual injury. Only time will heal it." Luffilia said as she looked as Mihawk finally got out of it the net.

Mihawk then told Zoro to get stronger and found himself to go up against him again in the future. Mihawk then turned to Luffilia as she looked back up at him. "What's your goal, girl?" Mihawk asked as Luffilia looked at him. "I'm going to be the king of the pirates." Luffilia said, looking at him with determination as Mihawk shook his head. "That a perilous path even more than perilous then defeating me." Mihawk says as Luffilia sticks her tongue at him. "Don't care what you or anyone thinks. It's my dream, and I'm going to chase after it even if it kills me." Luffilia said as they locked eyes is when Mihawk bowed his head in respect.

A grunt was heard as Luffilia checked on Zoro. "Were you worried, Luffilia." Zoro said as Luffilia looked at him as he tried to get up. He talked about if he failed, would she be disappointed in him. He got up, looking at Mihawk as tears ran down his eyes, lifting his sword. "Never again! I will never lose again! From now to the day I beat you, I will never lose. Got that pirate king!" Zoro said, looking at Luffilia as she nodded. Mihawk then left after bidding them a far well.

Luffilia looked to Don Krieg as he looked at the ship. "Tangerines." Luffilia said, looking at Zeff. "Hey, who supplies your tangerines?" Luffilia asked, making everyone look at her as if she was crazy. "Right now?" Zeff said when Luffilia waved her hand to them. "Don't worry about them. I got that covered." Luffilia looked at him as he thought. "An island called Conomi." Sanji said, taking a drag from his cigarette. Luffilia nodded before turning to Usopp. "Get him on that ship head back north east." Luffilia said as Usopp nodded. "Go kick some butt." Usopp said as Luffilia looked to him, smiling.

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