Poison is bad

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Luffilia took a deep breath before before the sparks of light came out of her hand. "Constellation Hydra." Luffilia said under her the water glow and bubbled until a head popped up flowing galaxy water filled the body as it moved like a river. It let out a loud whale sound as it echoed. The tail came out of the water before smashing it down on what was left of Don Krieg ship. "It's not over." Luffilia said as she got on top of the serpent. "Just leave Krieg to me." Luffilia said as Hydra took her to him. "Constellation Aquarius." Luffilia said as galaxy water washed over her as she stepped on to what's left of the boat.

The fight continues, and the cooks defended their restaurant with force. Sanji took everything they handed just using his legs, fighting them head-on. Krieg got the upper hand on Luffilia, sending her straight to his second in command, Pearl, which made him go berserk, lightning everything on fire. Only for Gin to hold Zeff hostage for Sanji asked for his life instead of telling them that Zeff at his own foot so he could survive. 'So glad I could make my own meals.' Luffilia, as she also felt sad that Zeff, the chef that let her and her crew work there.

The battle kept going on until Luffilia decided to end it all. "Zeff, I'm sorry." Luffilia said before having Hydra slam the fin off. "What the hell are you doing?" Sanji got up to her as she stared straight at him. "It's the only way." Luffilia said as Sanji talked about his debt he needed to pay. Luffilia snapped by slapping him. "That's not how you pay your debt. He didn't eat his foot just so you could die later for him. He wants you to live so you can achieve your dream." Luffilia said as Hydra kept destroying the ship. Gin then attacked Pearl as he thought the best way was to kill Sanji.

Krieg then decided to ask Luffilia a question. "Out of the two of us who do you think is more King matral?" He asked as Luffilia straight up and said. "Me." Nothing else, straight face not once blinked at Krieg. He then pulled out a shield as his crew man beg him not to use that. "What does it do?" Luffilia asked as it was explained to be poison gas. Sanji looked over to Luffilia as she just smiled as Krieg fired it. "Constellation Scutum." Luffilia said as the shield appeared as the cannon shot shriekn. "I was so hoping for the poison." Luffilia said, smiling before making the shield disappear. Sanji took on Gin while Luffilia took on Krieg.

Gin got the upper hand and was about to end Sanji when he broke down. Krieg was not having it, so he was planning to have him poisoned. Luffilia saw the bomb going to the ship and exploded. "Constellation Scorpio." Luffilia said as a giant scorpion stood on the dock as the stinger was sticking up the poisonous gas. "Sorry, what were you going to do?" Luffilia asked, smiling as Krieg snarled. "You? What did you do?" Gin asked as the scorpion finished cleaning the air. "Scorpio here love to eat poison." Luffilia said, smiling as she placed a hand on him. "That's why I was so sad when you didn't do it." Luffilia said, taking a step to the water.

"But enough playing." Luffilia said as the water glowed as she walked to Krieg. "The sun is just right in position for what I'm about to do." Luffilia said as she walked towards him. "That's not possible!" Krieg said as Luffilia got closer. Krieg put up spikes as she got closer. "Constellation Ara." Luffilia said as a doorway opened behind him. "The altar of the dead. I only had a limited amount of time to open it as it stayed open just for one minute when the sun was at the highest point." Luffilia explained as Krieg was being stuck in, unable to get out. "One of my very harder constellations, but it's all worth it in the end." Luffilia said as the door closed, leaving Krieg in the unknown. "Just messing with you. It teleports you to a random place in the world. Never know where it would end up next." Luffilia said, smiling at them as they stood in shock at her.

When Luffilia came back to the ship, Zeff asked a very important question. "If you have the devil fruit in you, how did you stay on top of the water?" Zeff asked as Luffilia sat down. "I ate the Celes Celes no Mi. I have the power over 88 constellation. One of which is called Aquarius it creates a barrier between me and the water." Luffilia said, getting as she looked ahead. "Is there a boat I can have?" Luffilia asked as she got up. "I need to get back to my crew." Luffilia said, looking at Zeff. "Patty, get this girl a boat." Zeff said as he patted Sanji on the shoulder before whispering something to him.

Just as she was about to set sail, another bag was thrown down along with a thump. Luffilia turned around to see Sanji getting on as he lit a cigarette. "So, are you going?" Sanji asked, smiling up at Luffilia . She nodded. "If it helps, they all knew that the restaurant was too small for you." Luffilia said, making Sanji look up at her as they took off. "When I told Zeff why I was there in the first place, he wanted me to take you to the grand line." Luffilia said, smiling at Sanji, sitting the opposite way from him. "I told him it had to be your decision, so I guess throwing you to us was his way off it's time to live your dream." Luffilia said, smiling as Sanji smiled too. "SANJI!" Zeff voice was heard making both get up to see everyone standing around the restaurant. "Keep your feet dry!" Zeff said as Sanji started to cry. Everyone was crying as they said their good byes as well as Sanji.

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