Animal tamer vs Animal lover

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Zoro flipped the cannon toward the pirates as Nami light the cannon, sending the Buggy ball back to them. Zoro then lifted the cage that Luffilia was in. "Zoro, just find the key!" Luffilia said as Zoro lifted the cage over his back. "No, can do we're getting out of here." Zoro said as more blood came out. Nami just started at them as Zoro jumped down the roof, caring Luffilia a way. "Even my Hercules strength can't break through this." Luffilia said, trying to pry it open. "Unless no, he did know." Luffilia thought but stopped when the cage stopped moving. Zoro laid face down, exhausted and heavily bleeding. "Zoro! Constellation Ophiuchus!" Luffilia said as two snakes slither around Zoro, stopping the bleeding. "They speed the healing process. It won't last forever but just enough." Luffilia explained as Zoro, but a growl was heard making both turn to see a dog. "Awe, it's a doggy." Luffilia said, holding out her hand. The dog sniffed it before deeming her as a non threat.

A clunk sound was heard as Luffilia turned to see Nami just drop the key in front of her. "You just left me. You're lucky I swiped that key for you." Nami said as Luffilia tried to grab. The dog grabbed the key, handing it to her. "Oh, thank you, doggy. I'm sorry I don't have a treat for you." Luffilia said, putting the key in the lock. It did nothing, Luffilia tried to do it more, hoping the key was just not fitting correctly. "You got the wrong key!" Luffilia yelled at Nami. "Well, I only saw one key!" Nami yelled back.

Luffilia and Nami both heard sounds of wood, making them look over. There stood a man with wooden armor. "What do we have here? Are you messing with Chou-Chou here?" After finding out that man was Boodle the mayor and asking him to help Zoro who is now resting. The mayor explained that Chou-Chou was guarding the pet store because it was his treasure. Luffilia said nothing but pet the dog. "You seem to be one of few people that Chou-Chou even let touching him." Boodle said just as a roar of a lion was heard. Both Nami and Boodle ran away. Well, Luffilia tried the key again. "Oh, come on!" Luffilia cried as a Lion stood in behind her. "Looks like you were abandoned, Captain Buggy is real angry at what you said, girl." Mohji said as he stared down at her.

Luffilia just stared at him before pointing at her head. "What's with the costume?" Luffilia said, ticking of Mohji. Mohji went on a tangent about there being no animal that he couldn't control. As to prove his point, he ordered Chou-Chou shake but instead got bitten. Well, Mohji examined his hand. Luffilia did the same thing. "Chou-Chou shake!" Which he did making the animal tamer angry. "I will not be out staged by the likes of you!" Mohji said but calm down. "But that has to wait. Tell me where's Zoro?" Luffilia just stared at him with a blank face.

"No." Luffilia said, making Mohji angry. "You're pushing my last button, girl, and know you're going to die." Mohji said as the lion growled before pounding on the cage, breaking it. "Yes, I'm out!" Luffilia said, smiling but only to be knocked into a building where she landed on the other side. "Few if I didn't activate UrsaMa when I did, I would be a goner." Luffilia said as the big teddy bear held on to her as Nami and the Mayor just stared in shock. "What is that?" Nami said just watching the bear disappeared in glitter dust. "That was Ursa major." Luffilia said, smiling at Nami. "What are you!?" The mayor asked, pointing at Luffilia. "Call me a Celestial Witch." Luffilia said, smiling before hearing burning wood.

Chou-Chou was barking and whining as his masters store was being burned down. Luffilia just stared at Chou-Chou before going after Mohji. She stood in his way as he just stared in disbelief. "How did you survive?" Mohji asked but only met with Leo and Lynx as they growled at Richie. "I'm a Celestial Witch and you.." Luffilia said, snapping her fingers as both cats attacked Richie. "Destroyed that dog's treasure." Luffilia said as her Constellation defeated Mohji's lion. "Now I'm going to destroy you." Luffilia said, stepping closer to Mohji as he trimble in fear. "Constellation Hercules!" Luffilia said, smacking him down.

Nami and Boodle stood at the brunt pet shop as Nami complained about how pirates were all the same. Luffilia came back, ignoring Nami as she angrily told off Luffilia. Nami stopped when Luffilia dropped a box of dog food. "Sorry that's all was left." Luffilia said, smiling at Chou-Chou before scratching behind his ear. "You did well, I bet your master would be very proud of you." Luffilia said, watching as Chou-Chou grabbed the food and gave affection to Luffilia before leaving.

Nami apologized as Luffilia did the same. "I understand, so I'm not going to ask you to be my navigator, but at least let's end on good terms." Luffilia said as Nami nodded. "I can do that." Nami said both girls turn to Boodle as he explained how after watching Luffilia he wants to get back his town because it means everything to him and the people that lives there. Just as he declared war on Buggy, a cannonball was shot, hitting where Zoro was sleeping. "Zoro!" Luffilia said, staring at the house. "Zoro, are you alive!" Luffilia said but smiled when she heard grunts and groans. "That was one hell of a wake-up call." Zoro said, walking up to them.

After Boodle ran off to meet Buggy, the others designed to help out. When they reached there, the mayor was being choked by Buggy. Then, a wolf bite at the severed hand, making Buggy cry in pain. Luffilia held out her hand in front of the mayor as he rumbled on. "Constellation Lyra." Luffilia said it knocked the mayor out as he snoozed away. "Did you just put him to sleep?" Nami asked as Luffilia turned to her. "Yes, and what want him to die?" Luffilia asked as Nami held up her hands. "Point taken." Nami said as Zoro agreed.

Luffilia took a deep breath before screaming. "Hey, big nose!" Luffilia said, making Buggy snapped. "Give me a Buggy ball." Buggy said as Luffilia just smiled. "Are you crazy?" Zoro asked as Luffilia side eyed him. "Just trust me." Luffilia said as the cannon fire. "Constellation Antlia." Luffilia said as a mixture of colors swirled with twinkles as the Buggy ball stopped as it hit it. Then, just as the same speed, it ricocheted back at the Buggy pirates, destroying the pub they were on. "Dose the shock get easier." Nami said as she just watched what happened.

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