The all Important Jolly Rager

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After their first night on the ship, everyone was doing things like checking the map, checking the ship, or just snoozing after taking watch last night. Luffilia was, in fact, doing something that a pirate captain should always do. "Ta-da!" Luffilia said, holding up a messy Jolly Rager. "What is it?" Nami asked, looking at it from the side. "I'm not good at art, but I tried my best." Luffilia said, looking at the lopsided skull and cross bones with the galaxy behind it. "Why not your hat?" Zoro asked as Luffilia held it. "Well, I thought about it, but for some reason, it just doesn't fit right with the story." Luffilia said as Usopp explained he could take care of it.

After two tries, Usopp made a perfect galaxy Jolly Rager, in the background was the perfect galaxy with blues, purples, pinks, and specks of white. In the center was, of course, the all-important skull, but instead of the cross bones, it was two shooting stars. "Ohh, I love it. Do you think you can paint the sail?" Luffilia asked as Usopp did it. After they all worked together to make the Going Merry a pirate ship. Luffilia wanted to test things out, so she went to the cannon. "Hmmm, hey, Usopp! Do you think you can hit that rock out there?" Luffilia said, smiling as Usopp came by. "Let's see, we have to move this a bit to the left." Usopp said before setting off the cannon, hitting the target. "I know just what you are, Usopp." Luffilia said, smiling at him. "You're our sniper." Luffilia said as Usopp nodded as they made their way to the meeting room.

Luffilia started to cook for her crew. "Do you know how to cook?" Nami asked a Luffilia nodded. "Ya, I worked at a bar growing up. I thought I should learn useful skills before setting out to see, and starting out with some money wouldn't hurt eather." Luffilia said as she started to prep the food. "But I would like to get a proper chef with more knowledge." Luffilia said smiling at the others nodded.

Until they heard movement outside. Zoro went to check it out and found some old buddies of his. "Hey, you shot at someone!" Zoro said as Luffilia took the food off the heat. There were Johnny and Yosaku, his old partners, as they explained that they were on the rock and as to why they were there. "Nami, doesn't Limes juice help?" Luffilia asked as Nami nodded. "Usopp, can you squeeze some limes." Luffilia said before looking at his side. "Constellation Ophiuchus." Luffilia said as she watched the injury close up. "He should be fine now." Luffilia said before heading back to the food. "I'll make some more food." Luffilia said, waving a Johnny, and Yosaku introduced themselves.

After a hardy meal and rest from Yosaku. They agreed that a chief would be their next priority. Johnny told them where they could find a cook since they did help him. So they sailed close to the grand line where the Baratie restaurant was. "Wow, just look at it." Luffilia said, smiling at the ship as the smell of good cooking came from the sailing restaurant.

Just to their right, a navy ship was seen. "Ah! The navy!" Luffilia said as they spotted them. "So, an unknown pirate ship, pray tell who is captain?" Fullbody asked as he stared at them. "Sorry lieutenant about the appearance, we were running into three other pirates ships, so we had to blend in." Luffilia said as Fullbody thought about it. "Hmmm, I think that is a good reason since I never saw those colors before. I'll let you off. Just make sure to change them when you hit closer to the grand line." Fullbody said as his sight turned to the bounty hunters. "I thought you were doing to say we were pirates." Usopp said as the others nodded.

Luffilia turned to them as she smiled. "Well, technically, we haven't done anything bad to have a bounty." Luffilia looked at them as she kept an eye out at Fullbody. "And flying a Jolly Rager isn't illegal eather. Some people, when wanting to avoid pirates, would put one up until they reach their destination or see a navy ship." Luffilia said as she was getting looks. "You're not dumb as you portray yourself to be." Nami said as the others nodded. "Was that an insult or a compliment." Luffilia said as her eyebrow twitched.

As they entered the establishment, they were seated across from Fullbody as he kept close eyes on them. A blonde, man with swirly eyebrows, sat them handing them a menu. "Thank you." Luffilia said, smiling at him as he tried to keep his composure. "Looks like you made him flustered." Nami teased as Luffilia looked at her confused.

As they enjoy their food, they hear commotion from Fullbody's table where Luffilia was about to take a bite and was hit with a bowl of soup. "Hey!" Zoro said, getting up hand on his swords but stopped by the man who was waiting on them. "You just hit a beautiful woman with a bowl of soup." He said as the lieutenant got up yelling at him but met with violence from Sanji. "Sorry about that." Sanji said as Luffilia finished wiping her face. "It's fine." Luffilia said, smiling at him until Lieutenant got up.

The head chef Zeff, along with another cook name Patty, came in to see that the commotion was about. When a marine came in, talking about how a pirate escaped before he was shot. The pirate name Gin demanded food only to be met with violence after threatening Patty. "He's strong." Luffilia said as the others nodded. "But is he good enough?" Luffilia thought as she watched the scene unfold. Only to see Sanji leave with a plate. 'Where is he going?' Luffilia thought as the other talked. She watched as Sanji gave him food, and he complemented how good it tasted. "So you're willing to feed a pirate?" Luffilia said as she sat crossed legged taking Sanji a few seconds to react to her.

Luffilia just smiled before turning to Gin as he just stopped shoving food in his face. "You're lucky that food saved you from starvation, one of many things that can kill you out at sea." Luffilia said before side eyeing Sanji. "I didn't probably introduce myself. I'm Money D Luffilia, and I'm a pirate." Luffilia said, holding out her hand. Sanji lite a cigarette before blowing out smoke as he finishes telling her about the head chef. "So that's why everyone was giving out the whole pirate vibe." Luffilia said, smiling at him as he wanted more into explaining more about everything.

Luffilia nodded as before explaining why she was there. "Well, I guess I came to the right place." Luffilia is getting up as it has been a while. "About what?" Sanji asked as Luffilia looked at him. "Think there's is anyone willing to join my pirate crew." Luffilia said as Sanji smiled as he bowed to her. "I have to deline the offer." Sanji said as Luffilia tilt her head in confusion. "Wha?" Luffilia said as Gin cleared his throat. "If you don't mind me asking if you are a pirate, then let me ask you, what's your prize?" He asked Luffilia," She smiled as she pointed to herself. "I'm after the one piece!" Luffilia exclaimed loud and clear.

After Gin tried to worn her about going to the grand line, even if she didn't give up. "Oi Sanji!" Zeff called out to see both Sanji and Luffilia watch Gin leave. "Oh pardon me miss." Zeff said, looking at Luffilia before turning to Sanji. "Get back to work, Sanji." Zeff said before turning to Luffilia. "Is everything alright, miss?" Luffilia nodded before coming up with an idea. "I was wondering." Luffilia said, smiling at Zeff, telling him her plan.

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