Captains and First Mate

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Luffilia watched at the dust cloud faded. Buggy and Cabaji stood tall as they used their own crew as a shield. "So that's more of your Celes Celes no Mi?" Luffilia nodded as Boggy's smile turned to a frown. "Captain, let me start." Cabaji said, getting on his unicycle and taking his sword out. As he was about to stab Luffilia, Zoro blacked him. "Don't mind if I take this one, do you?" Zoro said as Luffilia looked at him. "Just be careful. There's still a chance your side will bleed." Luffilia said, stepping out of their fight.

Zoro took him down, but despite having to reopen his wound. Nami went to find her treasure and the grand line map. All that was left was Buggy and Luffilia. "You call yourself pirates and to think the once pirate hunter now turn captain don't make me laugh." Baggy said, laughing at that. "Zoro is no captain, I am." Luffilia said, staring at Buggy. "You little girl are just playing pirates." Buggy said as Luffilia in the most calm clear voice spoke. "I'm going to be pirate king one day." Luffilia said only for Buggy to start laughing. "Brahahaha, you girl are going to be king of the pirates? You're not even the right gender." Buggy said until an eagle slashed his middle section. "It doesn't matter the gender of the person. It's a title." Luffilia said as Buggy pulled himself back together.

They started to fight. Luffilia had the upper hand until Buggy cut Luffilia's straw hat. "My hat!" Luffilia said, looking at the turn to Buggy. "This is my treasure. It is very dear to me and you damaged it." Luffilia said only to look down to see Buggy's hand cutting it more. "If it's so precious to you, then take better care of it." Then she told him it belongs to Shanks. Then Buggy told her the reason why he hated Shanks. "So you're angry because he saved you." Luffilia thought only for Buggy split in half as he exposed his greed to the point where he went past Luffilia towrads Nami as she held two bags of treasure.

Luffilia saw his legs and hit him in his family jewels. That didn't stop him from going after Nami to the point where only his feet were still on the ground. Luffilia picked up one of the feet after taking the shoes and socks she started to. "Tickle tickle." Luffilia said, holding a white feather as Buggy keeped laughing. Then an she used a sculptor, which was a hammer, and smashed Buggy's foot. Before giving him a pinch, where he finally turned to Luffilia to tell her to stop only to be hit with his once treasure.

After using Hercules to send what was left of his body far a way. Nami came up to Luffilia. "Is your offer to join your crew still stand." Nami said, holding her treasure. "You don't like pirates?" Luffilia said as Nami nodded. "Still don't but a good partnership with the likes of you. I might hit that 10 million belis if I stay." Nami said as Luffilia took her hat only for it to be taken away. "Since you did save me back there, I can repair it for you." Nami said as Luffilia nodded before going to Zoro. "Hey, I'm done fighting. You can wake up now." Luffilia said as Zoro woke up.

So after they met with the townspeople and then was chased out because of Luffilia's choice of words. After Zoro scared three of Buggy's men did they sailed off, the mayor, stand by, and thank them for saving his town. Nami looked back at the docks to see the bag she handed Luffilia. "Isn't that?" Nami said as Luffilia nodded. "They are going to need it." Luffilia said, smiling before using Argo again to sail the boats.

"What did you just do?" Nami asked as her boat came alive. "Argo. It is four Constellations combined together." Luffilia said, making Zoro look at her. "I thought you could only use two at a time?" Zoro said, looking at Luffilia. "Yes, but I combined all for to sail the sea. Right now, it's just heading south." Luffilia said as Nami asked an important question. "Well, why do you need a navigator then?" Nami asked as Luffilia turned to her. "Can't rely on myself to do everything. Going up against 100 men by yourself isn't really a smart thing to do." Luffilia said as Zoro agreed.

Nami finished sewing up Luffilia's hat, making the girl happy. "Hey Luffilia, can you do that? Think again where you made fish appear out of the air?" Zoro asked, rubbing his stomach. "And get snatched up by a bird again, no thanks." Luffilia said as Zoro complained about being hungry, making her stomach rumbled. "Okay, but slice down anything that comes toward me." Luffilia said about to summon the fishes. "Is that even safe to eat?" Nami asked, looking at the two fishes Luffilia made. "Well, my brothers did eat them before." Luffilia said smiling, but Nami turned it down. "I'm not that adventurous." Nami said, looking at her maps before pointing in a certain direction. "There is a small village called syrup village just south." Nami said, pointing where they need to go.

As they landed and stretched, they heard a voice above them. "I'm the notorious captain Usopp! Fear pirate and leader of this village!" Usopp said as he continued to lie until Luffilia started to laugh. "That was hilarious 80 million men." Luffilia said as Nami and Zoro nodded. Usopp then took them to the village restaurant where they all were eating. "So you're looking for crew members and a ship." Usopp said as Luffilia nodded as she ate her food. "Yep, do you know anyone who might be selling a ship." Luffilia said as Zoro asked for more sake.

So he told them about the person who lived the the manor and what happened to her. "Ok, well, let's get supplies and try to find a port town they might sell ships there." Luffilia said, wiping her face. "Wait, you're still looking for crew mates, right?" They nodded as Usopp pointed to him. "Then I'll be your captain." Usopp said as the other quickly said no. "What, why?" Usopp said as Zoro finished his drink. "Because we already have a captain." Zoro said, pointing to Luffilia as she asked for more food.

Some time later, Usopp said he had to go. Three little kids ran in, holding wooden swords. After Zoro scared them and Luffilia scolding him, she told them what happened. "Oh, that's right, he's visiting Kaya." Onion said as the others nodded. "What does he do?" Luffilia asked as she took a drink. "He tells lies." Carrot said to them. "That's not very nice." Luffilia said as the other told them why he does it.

Luffilia sent Nami and Zoro to gather supplies for their next travel to find a bigger ship, why she went around asking if any one willing to sell on. "Well, I think Merry is selling one." A fisherman said before asking for confirmation. "Hey, isn't Merry selling a ship?" He asked as the other seller nodded. "Yep, and it's at a reasonable price under 200,000 belis." Luffilia then asked where this Merry was. which led them to the manor that Usopp told them about.

Nami looked over at Luffilia as she walked up to the front. "Ok, for a pirate, you're not really acting like one." Nami said, looking at Luffilia. "Well, do you want us to steal and murder our way through this village?" Luffilia asked before standing just out of the guards hearing range. "Good point." Nami said, looking at the manor in front. "Hello, I heard that some one name Merry is selling a ship?" Luffilia asked, looking at the guards.

They were let in when they saw Usopp talking to a girl. "Hey Usopp!" Luffilia said, scaring him in the process. "Hello there." Kaya said as Usopp asked why they were here. "Oh, I was asking around if anyone was selling a ship, someone named Merry." Luffilia said, smiling at Kaya as the once smiled demd. "Oh ya, he told me about it." Kaya said as a ruff cleaning of the throat was heard. Klahadore stood behind, looking at them. "You're all intruding. Please leave at once." He said as Luffilia opened her mouth. "We're not! I'm here to see someone named Merry about a ship." Luffilia said as he looked at her. "Sorry, but that ship is no longer on the market." Luffilia looked shocked and disappointed.

Klahadore then spoked poorly about Usopp and how he was just scum. To which Usopp punched him after that Kaya asked Usopp to leave for a bit. Luffilia fallowed after Usopp to where he sat looking out of the ocean. "Yasopp." Luffilia said as Usopp turned around in surprise. "He's your father, isn't he?" Luffilia said, sitting down next to him. "Yes! How did you know?" Usopp said, looking in shock. "I met him with the red hair pirates when I was a kid." Luffilia said, smiling at him. "When I saw you. You looked so familiar." Luffilia said as she told him of the things she witnessed Yasopp do. "He even tries to fix my head in a beer glass once." Luffilia said as they laughed. Usopp then told Luffilia that he wanted to become brave warriors.

Luffilia then saw that same butler meeting with someone. "Hey, isn't that?" Luffilia said, pointing to him to Usopp where he pulled her down as they watched. Where they heard them talking about murdering Kaya. They learned that Klahadore was really a famous pirate named Kuro. They explained what was happening tomorrow and how it would go down. "Hey!" Luffilia said, making Usopp jump in fright. "We heard everything, and ahhh!" Luffilia said, taking a step close to the edge, making her fall.

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