On Our Way

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Luffilia came out of the cabin with an oversized white button-up that had the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and the front was left unbuttoned and tied. "Hey, thanks again for the shirt, Sanji, and again, sorry for the cheek." Luffilia said as Sanji had hearts in his eyes and a slight nosebleed. "Did I hit you that hard?" Luffilia said as she watched the nosebleed drop down. "No, not at all, Luffilia-chan, and no, this is just my bleeding love for a beautiful captain, is all." Sanji said as the wine was overfilled. "Sanji!?" Luffilia said, looking at the cup before laughing.

Luffilia was enjoying the meal that Sanji had prepared after hearing her growling stomach. "If we stay on course, we should get there in no time." Luffilia said, smiling as she had the compass out. Just then, something fast moved, speeding towards them, something jumped out that Yosaku stuck in a fish.

After freeing Yosaku from the fish, they all sat down to listen to him. "So was she there?" Luffilia said, taking a sip of water as Yosaku ate what was left. "Yep, she was, but I have to worn you that place is under Arlong's territory." Yosaku said, gulping as Sanji nodded. "It is we do most of our market business there to try and help the people living there." Sanji said as Luffilia placed a hand on her chin. "Arlong, isn't he a fishman?" Luffilia asked as Yosaku nodded. "One of the worst." Yosaku said as something new came up from the sea.

Luffilia, Sanji, and Yosaku stared as it did back to them. "A sea cow?" Luffilia said as its big eyes looked sad and then looked toward the food. "Oh no, it wants our food." Yosaku said as Sanji held out a plate to it. "It's just hungry." He said before kicking it. "Why did you do that?" Luffilia said, looking at the belly up creature. "Hand me the meat. I might know a way to get us closer." Luffilia said smiling as she eyed the rope.

They were holding on to the ship as Momoo swam back to Conomi. "You're either a genius or an idiot!" Sanji said, holding on. "I take eather!" Luffilia said, smiling as the island came to view. "Wait? He's not stopping!" Sanji said as Yosaku blacked out, still holding on. "We're going to crash!" Luffilia said as Momoo hit his head on land, making the boat fly on to land. "I told you we would be here in no time." Luffilia got up and saw. "Zoro!" Luffilia said excitedly with her hands up, smiling. "Some reason I'm not surprised." Zoro said as Luffilia climbed out. "Got us a chief." Luffilia said, pointing to Sanji as he jumped out standing next to her.

The two look at each other, not amused to see the other. Yosaku stepped out only to hit the ground, shaking. Then the ship broke behind them. "Where's everyone? Did you find Nami?" Luffilia said as Zoro's eyes opened. "Crap Usopp is with Arlong. His going to get himself killed." Zoro said, turning to run when Johnny came up. "Brother Usopp is dead." They all turn to him as fat tears run down his face. "Sister Nami killed him." Luffilia eyes widen as everyone's narrowed.

Luffilia stood in front of Johnny, demanding he repeat himself. "Tell me exactly what you saw." Luffilia said, staring straight at him. "Just like I said, she stabbed him, then pushed him in the water." Johnny said as Luffilia let him go. "Push him in the water?" Luffilia thought as before looking at him. "How?" Luffilia asked, looking at Johnny. "By stabbing him in the stomach." Nami said, making everyone look at her. "Why did you come here?" Nami asked, staring down at them. "Looking for you." Luffilia said with a smile as she stared at Nami.

Nami just closed her eyes, tilt her head back, and waved her gloved hand at them. "You see me, now go." Nami said, looking almost bored. "You're our navigator and crewmate. You're coming with us." Luffilia said as Nami's eyes widened before turning blank. "That's a laugh, you bunch of pathetic idiots." Nami said as her face stayed neutral.

Then Johnny went on a tangent about how bad Nami is and how she all tricked them. At the same time, Sanji and Zoro argued when Luffilia stepped in. "I already knew." Luffilia said, not once taking her eyes off Nami. "You knew, but you didn't do anything!" Johnny said as the others looked at her. "I did, to start our journey in the grand line. I would like a five man crew before expanding it." Luffilia said, not looking back at them. "I was missing two of the five I needed. When Johnny told us about Baratie. I knew I could hit two birds with one stone." Luffilia said, making everyone confused.

Nami looked down at her, tilting her head. "How was that going to work?" Nami said as Luffilia smiled. "You said you needed 10 million belis, right?" Luffilia said smiling as she told her original plan. "From what I heard, pirates are frequent customers there. Why I tried to get a cook, you could have collected your money." Luffilia said as Nami tightened her hold. "Well, it didn't go as planned, did it." Nami said before changing the subject.

"Arlong wants to kill Zoro after what he did. You had to go and do something stupid. Get out while you can. You may have monstrous power, but you have no match against a real monster." Nami said before Zoro chimed in. "Where's Usopp?" Zoro asked with Nami, replying that he is swimming with the fish. Zoro was about to attack her when Sanji stopped him. Nami then again tried to tell them to leave about how their friendship meant nothing. As she kept doing that, Luffilia yawned before deciding to lay down. "Okay, good night." Luffilia said, turning away from Nami, making her irate. "What are you doing?" Nami asked, angry. "Going to sleep, I'm not afraid of some Fishmen. So I'm going to take a nap." Luffilia said, making Nami mad. "Fine then get killed for all I care." Nami said, walking away.

Johnny and Yosaku pulled out, saying they were nuts for staying. "Something's wrong here." Luffilia said after some time, making Zoro and Sanji stop their staring contest. "So I wasn't the only one to see that." Zoro said as Sanji nodded along. "Instead of just getting Arlong here, she instead showed herself." Sanji said as the others nodded. "She instead told us to leave three different times." Zoro said as Luffilia lay backed. "And gave us a warning instead of threatening us." Luffilia said, looking at the sky. "Why would she go out of her way unless she doesn't want us to get hurt." Luffilia said as the others nodded. Just then, Usopp showed up running to them. "Zoro! You haven't stormed Arlong Park! Luffilia, Sanji, you're also here." Usopp said as Luffilia smiled. "Knew it." Luffilia said as the others looked at her, then Usopp.

Usopp told them how Nami saved him by stabbing her own hand and pushing him in the water. Zoro looked to Luffilia as to ask an important question. "So how did you know all along?" Zoro asked, making Luffilia smile. "Sharing a room kinda hard not to notice something's." Luffilia said, not answering anymore questions because Nojiko showed up.

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