The starting bounty

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Luffilia ate tangerine slices as Nami complained about the price of WENP had gone up before paying for her paper. Usopp was mixing ingredients to make a new pellet for his sling. Zoro was snoozing as Sanji whipped his hands after cleaning up breakfast. Nami was reading when a leaflet came out. "What?" Nami said, making everyone run to her, seeing what was in her hand.

Somewhere on the grand line, a man in his 20s ran across from one side to the three others stood. "Ace! Ace!" Another man in his 20s turn the blonde with a top hat and goggles. "What is it, Sabo?" Ace said as Sabo held a wanted poster, making Ace eyes widen. "She ah, she's alive!" Sabo said as tears escaped both men. "Luffilia?" Ace said, grabbing the wanted poster, looking at the gentle smile as her hand sparkled with Lyra.

On the navy base on Shell Town dropped his coffee as he stared at the new wanted poster. "It can't be? I thought she was gone?" Vice Admiral Garp stared as tears peeked in the corner of his eyes. "Dawn island tragedy." Monkey D. Garp crumbles as he slams his fist down, making Coby and Helmeppo come in to see a wanted poster. "Luffilia!" Coby said, looking at it.

Mihawk came to an island where a certain pirate lived. "What are you doing here?" One pirate said, looking at Mihawk. "Just here to see your captain is all." Mihawk said as he was lead to where red hair Shanks was. "Came here to duel?" Shanks said, looking at him. "Not interested in a dead man. I thought you would like to see this." Mihawk said, holding up a wanted poster. "So she finally made it." Shanks said, smiling along with his crew. "Let's celebrate men." Shanks said as everyone cheered.

Luffilia stared with pride at the wanted poster. "30 million belis. The starting price for a beginning pirate is 3 million." Luffilia said as Usopp stared in amazement. As Zoro called the attention of them about seeing land. Luffilia moved to the front watch as the grand line. "That's Loguetown." Luffilia said smiling as the other stood around her. "We are so close to the grand line." Luffilia said, smiling, looking at the island.

They stood in front of the sign leading in to Loguetown. "Hmmm, we're going to need supplies." Luffilia said, looking at them. "Sanji, you're on food supply, Usopp utility supplies, Nami charts, and Zoro armory." Luffilia said as everyone nodded. "I'm going try to stay out of sight." Luffilia said as the others agreed. They went their separate ways, getting what they needed.

Luffilia got lost while wondering where Gold Rager was executed. "Darn, I was hoping to find it." Luffilia said as she ran into someone. "Sorry." Luffilia said, looking up to see a man with two cigars. "You ok?" His raspy voice came out as she nodded. "Um ya, I just got turned around from finding main street." Luffilia said, looking around to hopefully to find the main street. "Fallow the smoke." He said, making Luffilia look to see the smoke from his cigars point her in the right way. "Oh, thank you." Luffilia said as glitter danced from her fingertips.

The smoke trail stopped right before the main street when she looked down the street before it. There was a bar named Gold Roger, so naturally, she went inside. Luffilia walked in to see a cold bar with a man having a drink with a giant skull. "We're closed." The old man said as he watched her walk in. "That's a huge skull. Is that real?" Luffilia said, coming in closer to look at it. "Ya it a real giant skull." Raoul said as Luffilia took a percificate seat as Raoul told the story. "Really, Gold Roger, did that?" Luffilia said, smiling as they talked about Gold Roger and the pirate era.

"Well, I want to be pirate king." Luffilia said, smiling as the owner got up. "Let's toast to you voyage into the Grand Line." Raoul said Luffilia turned to. "Oh, I don't drink." Luffilia said as Raoul nodded. "Maybe this then?" Raoul said, mixing a drink. A drink dark red with bubbles and a pickled cherry in it. "What's this?" Luffilia said, taking a sniff, smelling no alcohol. "A Roy Roger a non-alcoholic beverage made with cola, grenadine and maraschino cherries." Raoul said as he and Luffilia tost.

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