Celes Celes no Mi

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A girl about 5 years old came out of Partys Bar where her caretaker, while her grandfather was away, cleaned the bar. "Bye Makino, I'll be back after collecting treasure from the beach!" The girl with big black eyes said as the sea breeze ruffled her black short twin tail hair as she was closing the door. "Ok, just be back by lunch, Luffilia." Makino said, getting ready to open her bar. "Kay!" Luffilia said, running towards the beach right next to the fishmonger. "Hey Luffilia, want to buy a fish?" The fisherman said as costumers looked at his catch of the day. "Not today. I'm going treasure hunting!" Luffilia said, holding a large messenger bag to show proof. "Good luck!" He said before turning to the woman that wanted fish.

At the beach, Luffilia started to comb the beach for anything that she found interesting. Several seashells, old or broken toys, and dryed up blood? Luffilia saw speaks of red leading to the forest by the beach. Luffilia, holding her sand dollar, loomed over the edge of the forest before deciding not to go in. As she looked down by a coconut tree sat a strange fruit. It was shaped like a star, like from the picture book, that Makino or her grandfather would read her.

Luffilia looked around before turning to head back to the fishmonger. "Gyoru!" Luffilia said as he turned to face her. "Ah, if it isn't my favorite customer. Came back, eh?" He said as his wife came behind him. "No, but I want to know is there a fruit shaped like a star?" Luffilia said, looking at the husband and wife. "Well, there is, in fact, a fruit shaped like a star it's called Carambola." Chicken said after thinking about it. Luffilia eyes started to widen. "Are they edible?" Luffilia said as the husband and wife laughed at how Luffilia eyes just sparkled at the thought of food. "Yes, it is safe to eat." Gyoru said before going back to business. "Thank you!" Luffilia said, heading back to the beach.

Chicken thought hard as she turned back to her husband. "Does Carambola grow here?" Chicken said as Gyoru shrugged. "Knowing Luffilia, she probably found some in the wild and know taking it as her treasure, like that time she first found bananas." Gyoru said as his wife nodded along. "You're right." Chicken said.

Luffilia went back to the star fruit in question. A closer look at it shows it was a banana yellow with swirls and a green leaf. Luffilia licked her lips as her stomach rumbled. "A small snack won't hurt." Luffilia said, sitting in the shade of the palm tree. Luffilia bit down on it as the taste hits her. "Eww, I made the decision that star fruits are disgusting." Luffilia said but finished it as she was taught to never waste food. Luffilia heard the towns big clock ring 12 times, signaling that to was noon time. "Time to head back!" Luffilia said, grabbing her bag of treasure.

As she opened the door, the bar was busy with patrons that Luffilia had never seen before. Makino stood behind the bar, wiping glasses as she talked to the only person sitting up there. "Makino, I'm back!" Luffilia said as she climbed to her usual seat, which so happened to be next to person. "Welcome back. How was your treasure hunt?" Makino asked after handing her a plate of food and juice. "I found 13 different seashells!" Luffilia said, taking a bite of food. "Really?" Makino said, taking the bag to look at the contents. She pulled out dried up sunflower sea star. "What is that, by the way?" Luffilia said, looking at it. "That is a sunflower sea star." The man next to her said as he took a drink of his beverage. "A sea star?" Luffilia said, looking at it before changing the subject. "Oh, speaking about stars, I saw a new fruit today!" Luffilia said, smiling up at Makino as she put away Luffilia's findings after deming what was safe to keep. "Oh, what was it?" Makino asked, smiling down at her. "It was a star fruit called cara? Um, caradome?" Luffilia, try to remember how to pronounce the name as the man next to her once again helped. "Carambola?" He said side eyeing her. "Yes, that!" Luffilia said, smiling as Makino looked confused. "Was someone selling it at the market?" Makino said, not recalling that fruit growing on Dawn Island.

Luffilia shook her head before telling her what had happened. "You said you saw it under a coconut tree?" The man once again piped in, finally showing his face. "Ya, it was yellow shaped like a star from a picture book that Makino reads to me." Luffilia said, turning to the man before getting scared at the harden eyes looking at her. "Did it have swirls all around?" He said as she nodded as he came up to her. He grabbed her face, looking over her before pulling at her face. "Did you eat it?" He asked, holding her shoulder to which she nodded too scared to say anything. "Kid, that was no ordinary fruit." He said, looking right at her. "That was a devil's fruit." He said as Makino drew in a sharp breath as the other patrons all stopped looking over at them.

Two years later

Luffilia, now seven years old, waved as Shanks and the red hair pirates left after their vocation on the island was over with. Shanks looked back seeing the little girl as she held on to his now her straw hat as a strong wind blow. "Think she'll really find one piece?" Benn said, looking at her as she waved as small glitter dance at her fingertips  "Out of anyone, I would put my money on her." Shanks said, pulling his once bitten off now there arm looking at it. "That devil's fruit is something else? It puts the one we have to shame." Lucky said, munching on some meat. Shanks smiled, feeling his arm. "Ya." He said, smiling as they headed out.

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