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Luffilia left, not caring about Nami's backstory or leaving without her. Luffilia found a nice spot on the beach to sit and soak. *Sob* Luffilia hid her face in between her legs, hiding her tears. "I promise I'll help you no matter what Nami, even if you don't want it." Luffilia said, looking at the sun with a tear stand face.

Luffilia walked into town after drying her eyes. She saw Genzo taking the marines up somewhere. Luffilia stayed in town waiting for Nami to show up. She saw Nami with Genzo and her sister Nojiko, who back was bleeding. Nami saw her and was angry and tried to push her away but was instead the one pushed. "Move." Luffilia said, seriously looking at the wound. "The bullet past clean through and missed all the important organs." Luffilia said, smiling before saying the magic words. "Constellation Ophiuchus." Luffilia said as the twin snakes dived into the bullet wound, making Nojiko scream, but after they passed through, it looked almost healed.

Nami grabbed her, shouting. "I didn't need you help! You're a pest and get out!" Nami said as Luffilia still smiling walked away. "I might not be your friend, but you'll always be mine. Nami." Luffilia said, not looking back at Nami as she ran somewhere else. "Why did you have to say that." Nami said before turning to head to Arlong Park.

Luffilia met with the others, giving them a nod and jester to head to the village. The other three agreed to set out to the village. "So what's the plan." Zoro said as he stood beside her. "Wait for Nami to give the word." Luffilia said, smiling as they reached the village just in time for the village to riot against Arlong. They witness Nami stabbing her tattoo, making Luffilia stop her. "Luffilia??" The first time Nami ever cried in front of them. "I told you to leave. You don't know anything." Nami sobbed. "You're right. I don't know. What I do know is you're hurting. Everything you try to achieve is not working out." Luffilia said, getting down before hugging Nami, making her cry harder. "Luffilia? Help me, please." Nami cried out to only feel something placed on her head.

Nami looked up to see Luffilia without her hat, smiling down at her. "Okay." Luffilia said, walking away with the others agreed. When they got there, the villagers stood as Johnny and Yosaku stood guard. "Constellation Lyra." Luffilia said, making all of the fall asleep. "Constellation Hercules." Luffilia said before punching the door. "Who's Arlong?" Luffilia asked, walking towards them. "Who are you?" Arlong asked, watching as Luffilia casually walts in. "Luffilia." Luffilia said, still not looking away from who was speaking. "And what are you." Arlong asked, not getting up. "A pirate." Luffilia answered before smashing two of the Fishmen's head against each other. "And what business do you have with me." Arlong asked with superiority bit met with a punch. "You made OUR navigator cry." Luffilia said angrily just as other fishermen were coming after her.

"Not so fast." Sanji said, kicking them as Zoro and Usopp came behind her. "Leave some for us." Sanji said as Usopp cowered behind them, saying the opposite as Zoro told him how generous he was. Just then, Arlong laughed as he thought their reason was pathetic before calling out the monster. "Isn't that?" Luffilia said as Sanji nodded. "It is." Sanji clarifies as Momoo came out only to get scared when seeing Sanji before seeing Luffilia. Small flowers form around him as cheerfully saw Luffilia. "Aw, do you want another delicious piecis, you big softie." Luffilia said, summoning Piecis Austrinus as Momoo opened his mouth happily, taking the treat. Before blissfully leaving, ignoring Arlong. "She. He. Momoo." Hatchan said in disbelief as Arlong became more angry.

The Fishmen attack Luffilia and the guys. "You might want to step back." Luffilia said as she walked closer to the Fishmen. "Better do what she says." Zoro said, dragging Sanji back. "Constellation Orion." Luffilia said as the constellation formed attacking each and every one besides four who stayed out. When the last one fell did Orion left. "I'm tired. Can we end this?" Luffilia asked, looking at an irritable Arlong. "Yes, we should end this once and for all. You lower life form." Arlong said as his officers stood behind him.

Just as Hatchan was shooting put ink, Luffilia felt something attached to her leg. "What the?" Luffilia said as ink was spread on her. "Luffilia, why didn't you move?" Sanji asked only for Zoro to say look at her feet. "Seastone!" Luffilia said as she rubbed her eyes of ink. "Shit, that's seastone. She can't fight with that on." Sanji said run to her as a piece of concrete came flying to her. Usopp tried to help Luffilia out of it by slamming a hammer down to break it but instead hit Chew as he came up behind them. "Sorry Luffilia!" Usopp said as Chew chased after him.

Arlong then tost a seastone net over Luffilia before picking her up. "Seastone cames in handy with the likes of you. In joy drowning." Arlong said, dropping her in the ocean pool. Luffilia sunk down to the bottom as the ball chain drag her down faster. 'Come on.' Luffilia thought but soon felt the sea taking her. As she lost consciousness, she saw two shadows coming to her. 'Please be safe, everyone.' Luffilia thought as she black out. When she came to it was Nojiko, Genzo and Nami working together to free her. Once she was free, Nami rushed her to the surface, where she took a deep breath of fresh air. "Nami, thanks now, get me out of this water." Luffilia said, looking through her wat hair at Arlong as both Zoro and Sanji were barely standing.

Nami reached the edge just enough for Luffilia to do it on her own. "Constellation Ophiuchus." Luffilia said, closing up the wounds of Zoro and Sanji. "Usopp, stay on the other side." Luffilia said as Usopp was halfway up the fence. "Good choice, I'll stay on this side. Save the big guns for later got it." Usopp said as Luffilia chuckled. "Constellation Aquarius." A liquid galaxy washed over Luffilia as she stared at him as she smiled at him.

Arlong stood still as Luffilia did the same before making her move. "You know what the difference between us?" Arlong asked as Luffilia tilt her head. "Different sex?" Luffilia said as Arlong moved before she did. "No species!" Arlong yelled as he dashed to her. Luffilia called out Lepus, making her jump out of the way. "Constellation Leocub!" Luffilia said as a fire lion cub dashed into Arlong, but he ate it. Luffilia eyes widened as he swallowed the fire. "Super strength, blessed by the gods of the superior race. This proves that I'm better than you." Arlong said, looking down on Luffilia. Luffilia then hit the stone pillar  beside her, watching it crumbled. "You were saying?" Luffilia said, not once blinking. "Humans are stupid, weak, and foolish." Arlong said as Luffilia sighed.

"Constellation Dorado." Luffilia said as the swordfish appeared in her hands. "At least I have friends who were willing to save me." Luffilia said, clashing Arlong just as he chomped down on the sword it vanished only to then get hit in the teeth. "I may now how to use a sword, navigate, cook and lie, but I know far better people than me to do those things with me." Luffilia said as Arlong got up. "I know for a fact that I can't do this journey alone. I need people to relay on at the same time they can rely on me." Luffilia said smiling as she looked at him. "What can they relay on a pathetic little girl like you?" Arlong laughed as he stood up with his teeth back. "To bet you." Luffilia said, running to him. "Constellation," Luffilia said as Arlong took out more teeth. "Ram!" The ram ran into him, making him drop the teeth. "I'll take that." Luffilia sliding in between the legs closing the teeth there. "Let's never make her that mad." Sanji said as he and Zoro close their legs.

Luffilia then dashed to the water hopping in. "What is that idiot doing? we just got her out." Genzo said when Sanji spoke. "Aquarius." He said as Arlong went in after her. "The first time she did after she came out of the water was used Aquarius. It is a barrier between her and the seawater." Sanji said, blowing out smoke. "Meaning she can move in water." Usopp said as he looked to the water. "She doesn't have to worry about holding back from using bigger and stronger constellations." Sanji said as Hydra held a wounded and unconscious Arlong. "It's not over yet." Luffilia said bloody as Arlong woke up, sending both into the building.

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