Battle by the shore

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The next time Luffilia woke up, Zoro was shaking her awake. "Luffilia! Hey, wake up? Hey, what's up with Usopp?" Zoro said as she came to sitting up so fast she bonked heads with Pepper as he looked at her. "Usopp! Kaya killed! Klahadore is Kuro!" Luffilia said, looking around before hissing in pain as she held her head.

After telling them what she and Usopp heard from Kuro and Jango. The kids looked scared as they should. Luffilia got up and stumbled a bit. "Where is Usopp?" Luffilia asked as they told her what happened. "We should find him." Luffilia said, walking as Zoro kept hold of her. "Nope, we're getting you fixed up." Zoro said, picking her up bride style. "Z-zoro put me down!" Luffilia said as Nami just laughed as she walked behind them.

They did find Usopp or rather Usopp found them. Luffilia's had as bandage up by Nami along with Ophiuchus. He lied to the kids how it was just a hoax. As the young ones leave, saying it was time to go home, did Luffilia speak up. "Why did you lie to them?" Luffilia asked as Nami patched Usopp's arm. "They shouldn't be involved. No one believed me." Usopp said before getting up. "But that doesn't mean I would just abandon them. I will protect my village even if they don't know about it." Usopp said as Luffilia got up. "So what's the plan?" Luffilia asked, crossing her arms as Zoro silently agreed along with Nami.

Usopp told them of his plan for the south beach. "Alright, tell me, what can you do?" Usopp said as Zoro told him, he cuts. Luffilia said she created while Nami said she steals. "Good because I run and hide." Making the others yell at him. They watched as the sunrise waiting for them to show up, when suddenly Nami heard noise coming from the opposite direction. "Shit, they came from the North beach!" Usopp said as he and Luffilia ran that way.

Luffilia might have a slight concussion as she ended up in town. "Damit." Luffilia said, looking back to where the sun was coming up. "I fallowed the sun." Luffilia said before using Circinus and fallowed that. She eventually found Zoro grabbing him as they also went the opposite way. As the Black Cat pirates were coming up, she and Zoro pushed them back. "Sorry, that was my fault, I might not be in top condition, but that wouldn't stop me." Luffilia said as Zoro stared angrily at Nami. "Nami, you pushed me down the oil trap!" Zoro said as Nami told him that her treasure was in danger.

Jango hypnotized his crew it to think they were strangers than them, which worked. Luffilia saw this called out Taurus, releasing the bull as he tore them down. "What was that!" A bloody Usopp said, looking scared at Luffilia. "I'm a devil fruit user, Celes Celes no Mi to be exact." Luffilia said, smiling darkly at the black cats. Before one of the few came straight at her. "Constellation Hercules." Luffilia said, grabbing him before punching him in the face and doing that with Taurus until she sent one flying into Ships' bow. After that, she began to sway a little. "I'm going lying down for a bit, Zoro. I'm tagging you in." Luffilia said before laying down besides the cliff.

The next thing Luffilia saw was Nami holding her shoulder, caming toward her at the same time a circle sword was. Thinking quickly, Luffilia grabbed Nami's foot, dragging her down as she got up and dodged it just enough to where her bandages came off. Luffilia looked up to see Kuro also got here. Kaya also came, Luffilia watched as Kuro talked softly to Kaya, trying to manipulate her, and at the same time, insulting her. Usopp, who is heavily injured, moved to punch Kuro, but he moved out of the way. "Constellation Leo." Luffilia said as the big cat scratched his face, sending him down. "You think you're the only one with claws." Luffilia said, looking at Kuro.

After kicking down, Usopp Kuro looked to Luffilia. "You're a devil's fruit holder." Kuro said, lifting his glasses with his palm. "I'm just an old Celestial witch." Luffilia said, sticking her tongue out. After Usopp sent Kaya away with the Usopp pirates, and he and Zoro chased after Jango, leaving Luffilia with Kuro. Luffilia then used Sagittarius cutting Kuro's cheek before he could attack Zoro and Usopp. "Your fight is with me." Luffilia said as Leo stood next to her.

Luffilia exchanged Sagittarius for Dorado, a sword shaped like a fish. "Not the most good-looking sword, but it works." Luffilia said, smiling as she and Kuro attacked with the help of Leo. Luffilia and Kuro danced around each other until Kuro got a hit. The black cats cheered on their old captain, to which he explained his plan farther was to kill every even his crew. How he wants to erase his past for good and how that means killing the black cats. After Kuro explained, he attacked Luffilia only for her to cut one claw. "Sorry, but I've been training since I was a kid." Luffilia said, smiling as five of his claw swords were cut clear of. "By the way, Usopp is a way better pirate than you." Luffilia said as that ticked him off.

He then started to cut his own men, which made Luffilia angry. Just as he cut Luffilia clothes and cat scratched her. Did Luffilia make the fish sword, and the lion disappeared. "You attack your own crew." Luffilia said no longer, smiling as she Hercules punched Kuro. "You're the worst type of pirate." Luffilia said as she kept attacking him. "A captain should always care about their crew no matter what!" Luffilia said, knocking Kuro out and then toasting him to his crew. "Know the rest of you." Luffilia said, cracking her knuckles. "Take your injured and get the hell out of here." Luffilia said, making the black cats run around and setting sail.

Zoro came back just as Nami helped Luffilia into a blue crop top with stars on it. "Bang up just as I feel?" Zoro said, sliding down the side of the cliff as Luffilia nodded as Usopp came. "Thanks for helping, I really couldn't do it without you." Usopp as as the other smiled at him. "Well, it was all you're doing." Zoro said as Luffilia nodded as Nami hugged her treasure. "Well, I made up my mind." Usopp said after Luffilia used Ophichus to close up their wounds. Making the others look at him as he left. "I'm hungry!" Luffilia cried after Usopp left, saying he had business to take care of.

After everyone got a change of clothes they went to get some food. As they finished up, Kaya came to find them. "A ship? I thought Klahadore said there was no sell?" Luffilia said as Kaya smiled. She showed them the ship in question was a caravel as Luffilia stared in pure bliss. The bow was in the shape of a ram, which was almost fitting as who was the captain. Going Merry was the ships name as Luffilia couldn't wait to check her out. "I did have it off the market, but since the sale didn't go through, it's yours as a gift." Merry said as Luffilia looked at him. "Tell me about the ship." Luffilia said as Merry explained the layout of the ship.

As he just finished, Usopp came rolling down. Luffilia and Zoro both stopped him with their feet before he could damage their ship. Luffilia was on the ship as they were getting ready to set sail as Usopp was saying his good byes. "You guys take care now!" Usopp said, making Luffilia look at him strange. "Where are you going?" Luffilia said as Zoro and Nami joined her where she was. "I'm heading out to sea?" Usopp said as if it was obvious. "What do mean get up here so we can go. Kinda don't want to be the only guy on this crew." Zoro said as Luffilia cleared her throat. "Usopp as your captain, I demanded that you get up here this once!" Luffilia said, smiling as Usopp ran to the Going Merry. "Can I be captain?" Usopp asked with a firm no from all three.

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