Buggy the Clown

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Zoro watched as Luffilia tried to navigate to the grand line. "If only we have a real navigator and a map." Luffilia said as Argo guided them. "So Celes Celes no Mi? What does it all do exactly?" Zoro said, watching her. "Huh? Oh well, I can control 88 different constellations, all with their different powers." Luffilia said, looking at the celestial compass, making sure they are at least heading south. "That's sound, OP." Zoro said, looking at her. "Well, some of them are pretty useless in terms of combat or useful tools for the sea. I can only use two at a time, and some have a usage rate. But ya call me the Celestial Witch." Luffilia said, smiling before both of their stomach growled.

Luffilia blushed at the sound before smiling at Zoro. "Well, it's been a while since we ate. Man kinda wished the marines did show us away before I could go shopping." Luffilia said as she thought about their situation before remembering. "Oh, right." Luffilia said, making Zoro look at her. The compass disappeared as Luffilia held out her hand. "Constellation Pieces Austrinus." Two fish where summoned they turn from galaxy colors to real fish. "Is it safe to eat?" Zoro asked at Luffilia nodded but then heard a bird call, making her look up as a big bird dive down only to sweep her up.

Luffilia had to wait for land before making the bird drop her, knowing she wouldn't survive. Just as she saw land, a sound of a cannon went off, making Luffilia look to see one coming straight at her. "Wait!" Luffilia said only for the bird to let her go. "Constellation, Octans!" Luffilia said as a geomagnetic circle formed around her, cushioning her fall as she bounced when hitting the ground. As Luffilia opened her eyes, she saw three pirates and an orange haired girl that looked to be around the same age as her. "Hey boss, thanks for dropping in. I'll let you take care of them." The girl said, leaving Luffilia confused as three angry pirates turned to her.

Luffilia watched as the pirates crowded around her. "Constellation Retiulum." Luffilia said, creating a net above. "Constellation Lepus." Luffilia grows hare ears and a tail before jumping, grabbing the net, and tost it down on the pirates. "Constellation Hercules!" Luffilia said as the ears disappeared in glittery swirls before punching down on them, knocking them out. "Hey, sorry about that." Luffilia turned to see to the orange haired girl as she smiled and waved only to be met with a stomach growl. "Sorry." Luffilia said, blushing only to make the girl snicker.

In the house that the orange hair girl named Nami was staying, Luffilia was eating as they made small talk. "So what brings you here in the first place?" Nami asked as Luffilia ate. "A bird." Luffilia said as Nami sweat drop. Luffilia then looked back at Nami. "But since I'm here, I might as well look for a navigator." Luffilia said before taking a bite of an apple. "Well, you're in luck. I'm one of the finest navigators in the east." Nami said, making Luffilia eyes shine. "Oh well, you be willing to join my pirate crew?" Luffilia said. Immediately, Nami's smile turned to anger. "I despise pirates. The only things I like are money and tangerines. And since your nether I refuse to be part of anything." Nami said, walking away but stopping when an idea popped in her head. "In second thought, maybe we can strike a deal." Nami said as Luffilia looked at her.

Nami tied rope around Luffilia, which Luffilia had a mopey face. "Um, I don't swing that way just so you know." Luffilia said only for Nami, getting flustered. "That's not why! We are visiting Buggy, and you're helping me steal from them!" Nami yelled as her face flushed at what Luffilia said. "Oh, ok then." Luffilia said, starting to walk and pulling Nami with her. "Don't move so fast." Nami said as both walked to where Buggy is.

Luffilia then ended up inside of a concrete cage as Buggy, Nami, and the crew throw a party. 'So that was her game, I'm so going to make her my navigator.' Luffilia thought smiling as she used sagitta to cut the ropes. Only to stop when Buggy pointed a cannon at her. Luffilia just smiled as he asked Nami to light the fuse. When Nami started to shake as she looked at Luffilia. "You're really unprepared for this." Luffilia said smiling as Nami just looked at her with wide eyes. "Unprepared for what?" Nami said as her hand shook. "For risking your own life." Luffilia said seriously as a pirate took the matches out of Nami's hand.

After Nami outed herself, the cannon was lite only for her to grab it. Nami then in anger spoke out loud the reason she hated pirates. 'So she lost someone dear to a pirate.' Luffilia thought before seeing Zoro holding off Buggy's crew. "Zoro!" Luffilia said, finally cutting through the rope. "Hey Nami, get out of here!" Luffilia said, making Nami look at her. 'What with this girl? How did she get herself out?' Nami thought but turned to Zoro as he looked back at Luffilia. "Ya hurt captain?" Zoro asked as Luffilia shook her head. "No, I'm fine, but get me out." Luffilia said, smiling at him. 'What Zoro? Isn't he a famous bounty hunter in the east?' Nami thought, looking at Zoro as he stepped closer to Luffilia. Only for Buggy stepping in his way so Zoro cut him down or so, he thought. "Bwahahah!" The crew laughed until Zoro felt a sharp pain on his side, making him look down to see a detached hand holding a knife. "You can cut me, slice me all you want, but I would never die." Buggy said, smiling at parts of his body that came back together. "I ate the Bara Bara no Mi." Buggy said, smiling as Zoro held his side.

Luffilia held a grip on the bar as she stared angrily at Buggy. "Stabbing someone in the back, that's playing dirty, you big nose!" Luffilia said, making everyone stareing shock as Buggy gave her a death glare. "What did you call me?" Buggy said, holding knives as he stared down at the caged girl. Buggy throws a knife at Luffilia only for it to bounce off. "Constellation Scutum." Luffilia said as the shield appeared. "What kind of sorcery is that!?" Buggy said as everyone, but Zoro freaked out. "You're not the only one who ate a devil fruit. Celes Celes no Mi." Luffilia said, smiling at Buggy. "And when I get out of here, I'm going to clobber you!" Luffilia said, staring down at him. Buggy just started to laugh as he looked at the girl.

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