9 You're Still Here 9

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You woke up standing in the corner of your room. Usually, you would shake violently when you woke up to the point that your dad thought you were having manic episodes while you were sleeping.


You looked over it where you put your ragdoll staring straight at it. You got closer seeing right behind it was a plate of cereal, dry with no milk on it. You sniff the food smelling the artificial lemons and fruit knowing you weren't going to eat it.


While all of this was happening something was tapping against your window. You walked over trying to see what kept hitting the glass. While you open your window something flew past you hitting you on the forehead.


You looked at what hit you through the open window seeing a pebble now on your windowsill.

"Y/N !"

Looking down you saw Wyborn drop a handful of rocks from his hand. You looked blankly and was very confused as you slowly dump the plate of cereal out the window. You didn't count on it landing on Wybie but it was now obvious it was going to.

"Don't eat that, it's drugged... Why are you here?"

You flicked the pebble away, leaning really close to your window. The boy stuck his hands out calling to you to get you to stop.

"B-Be careful I don't want you to get hurt."
He dusted the cereal out of his hair and other clothes it landed on.
"I want to show you something. I tried getting through your front door but your mom slammed the door in my face."

"Aren't you mad at me, why do you want to hang out?"

He looked confused pulling his jacket off so he could shake the crumbs you threw on him out.

"I'm not mad, why would I be ?"

"Because I poured drug cereal all over you"

"Well... I hit you with a rock so we're even. Now come down I want to show you something."

You are a little confused with what he wanted and why he wasn't avoiding you like Coraline tried doing. You saw no reason why he would want to be around you.

His face seemed innocent but what was most likely going to happen was he was going to kill you in the woods and dump your body in Coraline's garden. There is literally no possible reason why he would try being nice to you.

Still being dead was better than being here in your house. Maybe when you die you could have another nice dream like you did today.

You wasted no time, hoisting your legs outside of the window in order to jump out like normal. Wybie backed away knowing you have done this before. Even still he never saw you jump from a height this high so he was still a bit panicked.

He heard about you jumping off a piece of Coraline's house from her herself but he barely saw it in action. Once you hit the ground it was a different story. His whole demeanor changed from somewhat calm and collected to outright scared.

You landed on the Cold Soil and banged your back knocking the wind out of your lungs. You laid there the usual feeling of breathlessness as you try to regain composure as fast as possible.

Wyborn put a hand over your chest sensing increasing heart rate. After feeling your heartbeat he took a breath of relief and sat down next to you.

" I thought you were going to use the front door, but this is fine you don't seem hurt... That much."

It seemed like he understood your body needed time to recharge before you could get up or speak.
But him knowing that would be strange.
You stood silent, unmoving, before feeling your arms tense up. Your vision was a little cloudy but you saw Wybie was now picking you up trying to hold you on his back.

"Here I'll carry you there, I swear it's worth it."

He picked you up the whole way to the woods keeping his Pace slow as to not drop you. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he held your hands together to keep you from falling.

While he was carrying you it gives you time to readjust finally feeling that you could move. Once you gain the ability to once again articulate your limbs you gripped onto Wybie's hands.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"No wha-"

"Then why are we even going."

He gave an awkward smile and you kept your straight face as usual. He was nervous but when was he not. When he ran you over that was your first impression of him.

"Where are you hiding my body."

"Coraline and I have a spot and I think you might find it cool."

You tighten your legs around his torso along with your arms around his neck. He moved his hands from yours trying to pry your arms from choking him.

"H-hey loosen up so you can get off."

He stopped trying to drop you down you check the surroundings looking to see where the heck you were.

"Are we here?"

You let go completely dropping down to the floor. As usual, you expected Cold Soil but you ended up sitting in straight-up mud.
Wybie used his hands to feel around his neck where you put pressure. He nodded yes, choking a little.

"Y-you didn't do that on purpose d-did you?"

"My actions aren't my own. I'm sorry."

You crawled around in the mud doing nothing special before coming across a wooden Circle surrounded by mushrooms. Immediately you backed up not wanting to disturb the Fairy Circle. As soon as you did so you saw the brown-haired boy walk into the circle and lift up the wooden door revealing a hole.

"It's a well"


He grabbed a handful of rocks and mud and threw it down into the hole.

"We've been throwing random things down to try and see if we can fill it. Though it is notorious for being deep we were able to conclude that it has a bottom."

You crawled over right In front of the mushroom circle but not close enough to be in it.

"The poor fairies."

He looks between you and the mushroom as you still stay away from the well. Keeping them all for staring down the mushrooms to look at any signs of a fairy.

He seemed to know about what you were talking about but he looked like he didn't believe you.

Still, he wanted to talk with you more because even if it didn't look like he believed you, he still showed he was interested in what you were saying.

"I think I know what you're talking about."

He walked out of the circle leaving the door open with the stick in your reach. You already knew what was going to happen.

He hunched over trying to figure out what you were trying to accomplish by staring down a single mushroom. Your eyes were unmoving until you sensed Wyborn was near you.

That's when you decided to grab the stick, the same one Wybie used to open the wooden door. All your clothes were covers in mud as you handed the stick to Wybie.

"Do it,"

You spoke looking at the boy who crouched right next to you hold the stick you handed.


"Kill me, It's why you brought me here"

He looked over now feeling like he needed to keep the lid shut in order to not have you make a death wish.

"I told you, I didn't bring you for that."

"Fine, I'll do it myself. "

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