Way's Diet

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Kim sits at the cafeteria table, his notes, stationery, laptop and drink spread out in front of him. He's revising for an upcoming term test, though no one else in the school has even started thinking about it, Kim feels the need to start as early as possible.

Way walks into the cafeteria and his eyes immediately and naturally fall onto Kim's hardworking back, like a magnet attracted to metal.

Way walks up to him.

"I'm thirsty". He announces before stealing a gulp of Kim's drink. Kim doesn't seem to mind.

Then, he proceeds to lie down on the other side of the bench, hands holding his stomach.

The two boys had agreed to study together today, but as usual, only one of them was doing the studying.

"Help me, Kim. I think I'm dying. I'm soooooo hungry." Way whines slightly dramatically. Scratch that about studying, one of them is trying not to be distracted by the other.

Today, Way is on a diet. His basketball competition was coming up soon and because of that, the whole team had to watch their diets to make sure they were in good condition for the big day.

"Well, what do you feel like eating?" Kim asks.

"Everything in this world that's fried, a lot of bread, ramen, ice cream, brownies, there's too many to name."

Kim makes a mental note, without looking up from his work.

"Why are you making me imagine all the food? It's making me even hungrier." Way makes a pained expression and pretends to wipe a fake tear from his eyes.

"Try to imagine you're eating all of them in your mind?" Kim suggests.

Kim is trying his best to focus on his revision, but Way was not making it easy for him.

Before, Kim had not expected to see this side of Way, who was always known for his fierce looks and demeanor. Honestly, Way whined quite often, but what Kim doesn't realize is that Way whines only to him. Nobody else would even think to connect the words "Way" and "whiny" together.

"Kimmmmmmmmm" Way tries to get Kim to look away from his worksheets.

He's not too sure what Kim would even be able to do for him in this situation, but he feels like getting the other's attention just because.

At that moment, Way recalls that Kim had been considerate and ate salad with him for lunch. Even though Kim was not really a foodie, he definitely had a big appetite. The bowl of salad they had in the afternoon was for sure not enough to keep him full for long.

He grabs Kim's hand and pulls him up, saying "I can't take it anymore. Today will be cheat day."

Kim just knew that this would happen, but he hoped it would at least happen after he had finished the topics he planned to revise.

"Fine, but let me drop off my work at the teacher's room first."

"Okay! I'll stay here and look after your bag!" Way replied, now energetic and bubbly at the thought of food.

At the staff room, Kim sees Way's soccer coach and approaches him slowly. Calmly, he greets the teacher.

"Oh, hey Kim, what's up?"

"I was just wondering...can Way have a cheat day today? I'll make sure he doesn't eat too much. You have my word." Kim tries to negotiate.

Being the school's top student did come along with some benefits. The teachers were friendly to him and his words held credibility.

Although the coach warned Kim that he could only let Way have one food item and nothing overly salty, it was a compromise he was willing to make.

Satisfied, he goes back to the cafeteria, where they then make their way to a small fried chicken stand. The enticing smell of deep fried chicken wafts into their nose from a distance away.

Once they arrive, Kim reveals that he has obtained special permission from Way's coach earlier, so that the other can eat peacefully, without feeling guilty for giving in to his temptations.

"Bro... "

"I just told him it's your sister's birthday today, and he said yes." Kim cuts him off.

"Did I ever mention how much I love you?!" Way exclaims, excited that he would be able to eat what he had craved for a long time.

Way says it as a passing remark, but Kim isn't sure how to reply. And so, he defaults back to their usual bickering.

"No, but you did mention how you would sell me away for fried chicken just the other day." Kim says bluntly.

"I'm sorry. I was really hungry. And you know I wouldn't sell you away, who else is going to ask my coach to let me eat? You mean too much to me." Way rambles. Now that he has satisfied his cravings, he is no longer lethargic and unable to think of anything else except food.

Now, he thinks that he's so incredibly lucky to have Kim in his life.

Why does Kim always manage to take such good care of him? How on earth does he do it? Kim's actions always leave Way in awe of him.

Actually, Way has tried countless times to return the favors he thinks he owes Kim, but to no avail. Sometimes, his plans backfire unexpectedly and other times, Kim has already come up with a solution to his problems without Way's help.

He knows he's not the brightest person around, and even though he notices the little things Kim does that reveal his true feelings, Way has trouble putting his intention into actions that will benefit Kim.

Eventually, along the way, Way has learnt that it's better to directly ask Kim what he needs help with. 

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