Trip (5) Movies

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The morning light shines through the big window and the two boys wake up with their limbs in a messy tangle. Way had a protective arm around Kim's waist, and his face was pressed into the nape of Kim's neck.

Way blinked for a few times before realizing the position that they were in.

He sits up suddenly and is hit by a throbbing headache, forcing him to curl into a ball.

Kim notices that Way's hangover seemed to be much worse than his own, perhaps because it was his first time drinking this much.

"Your alcohol tolerance is really bad." Kim remarks and tries to get out of bed. However, he loses his balance before he could even stand up straight, crumbling into the carpeted floor.

Way's eyes shoot open at the loud sound. He sees Kim on the floor, covering his face with his hands as though it would make him invisible somehow.

Way chuckles.

"Let's agree to just stay in today."

Kim was quiet, but his silence already meant agreement.

And so, they took a quick shower, separately, of course, and changed into casual clothes.

When Kim is done, he comes out with dripping wet hair and flops down on the bed immediately.

Standing in the shower made his throbbing headache even worse, and he felt like the whole world was spinning.

Way notices this and grabs him a glass of water and his own towel. Handing Kim the glass, he asks Kim to sit up.

Gently, Way starts to help Kim dry his hair with his towel. Way knows it's not good to sleep with wet hair, because it will make the headache worse. What he doesn't know is how to dry another person's hair, and he hopes he's not being too rough.

Kim silently lets Way do as he pleased, secretly enjoying being given this much care and attention from Way.

He could tell that Way was being careful not to hurt him and moved lightly to avoid turning Kim's head and making the dizziness worse.

Lounging in the soft mattress, they then decided to watch a movie.

"Let's watch some romance!" Kim states.

"No. You watch too many of those for your own good." Way remembers how Kim cries at every other sad scene, even if it were cliché or he'd already seen the movie before. 

Well, Kim had always been more sensitive and in-touch with his own feelings, while Way was not able to recognize or explain them as well. Maybe he did need to watch more of such emotional movies.

But Way doesn't like to see Kim cry. It makes his heart feel unsettled. Maybe it's because his smiles are so devastatingly beautiful, that his cries also become the most heartbreaking.

"How about horror?" Way suggests.

Kim freezes for only a slight second, but Way already noticed.

"Why? You scared?" Way teases intentionally.

"Who's scared! If...if you don't want to watch horror then just say it, no need to blame me."

"But I do want to watch it." Way answers.

"Well me too!" Kim replies almost automatically, insistent on not showing his fear.

Way picks a movie he knew for sure was going to be scary, and they both get under the blanket again. The curtains were closed, so the only lights were emitted from the small TV screen in front of them.

Kim was tense from the first minute of the movie. It was only the start and there had already been a jump scare.

Slowly and without realizing, he inches closer to Way. Way, on the other hand, subconsciously keeps his thighs touching Kim's, as if to let the other know that he was right there, beside Kim and there was nothing to be afraid of. 

Way secretly likes that Kim is relying on him like this. It was a breath of fresh air from the usual fighting and sarcastic remarks they threw at each other, as enjoyable as that was on its own.

Kim clutches the pillow tightly, trying his best to focus on the movie. He forgets about not showing his fear to Way, and simply wants the movie to be over as soon as possible.

At a particularly scary part of the movie, he turns away from the screen quickly and finds himself in the pillow that Way was hugging against his chest.

Way couldn't control his laughter and Kim, annoyed, hit him with the pillow.

"You know, we could have watched something else if you just asked." Way reminds Kim.

Kim always makes do with what he has. Instead of asking for more, he focuses on making the most of what he already has. He rarely complains even if he's in pain. Over the years, he has learnt to internalize it and show no expression on the outside.

Way is used to reminding Kim that he's worthy of more, that he's an amazing person who deserves more. Way catches the moments where Kim's confidence wavers and he feels insecure, and reminds him that he's enough for this world. Perhaps even too good for it.

"So... can we watch something else?" Kim asks carefully.

"Of course." Way assures. He knows how hard it is for Kim to demand something for himself. 

Because of that, he tries to give in to whatever the other asks for. So that the other would start to believe that he deserves more too. 

He spoils Kim tremendously, but it can hardly be called spoiling when Kim isn't at all spoilt in the first place.

Secretly, he hopes his spoiling will work eventually, though, and the other can stop trying to do everything by himself.

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