《 Circle of Life 》

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It was rising of the sun, it slowly lit up the plains and sky with yellow and orange light.

As the creatures of the kingdom slowly woke up and stepped in the sunlight, dragons were common creatures amongst the land, most had the ability to become both human and dragon. As most of these creatures flew and some walked, each took different directions but had the same destination, Pride Mountain.

Pride Mountain was the home of the royal family, The King, Masaru Bakugou, and The Queen, Mitsuki Bakugou, recently had a son named Katsuki Bakugou.

The creatures, big and small, were all gathered at the foot of the mountain for the assembly as Masaru was looking over the crowd from a part of the mountain.

The crowd of creatures parted as an elder known as Yagi Toshinori, made his way up towards the part of the mountain where the Royal Family were, as the sunlight followed.

Yagi managed to follow through and was greeted by a hug from Masaru before they both glanced at the direction of where the king's wife, Mitsuki, was sitting down with their son in her arms, he was peacefully asleep.

Masaru walked and knelted down to his wife's level and kissed her cheek, they exchanged a warm smile before Mitsuki nudged her son in her arms, wrapped in a warm wool blanket, as their son slowly rose from his slumber to reveal his crimson eyes.

Yagi had brought along stick with exotic fruits from the forest, and used it as a mini rattle with the fruits attached making a rattling noise above their son, he then started to use arms to try and and take it.

Yagi then broke a fruit open, using the fruit's juice as he marked the child's forehead with the child's eyes following his hand and motion, Yagi then took a handful of sand and slowly sprinkled it on the little one's forehead before the it sneezed, the child's parents giggled lightly.

The child then was slowly taken from Mitsuki, Yagi carefully carried the child that was still wrapped in the wool blanket before he slowly walked to the peak of the mountain before raising the child from his arms.

The creatures below started cheering, dragons stomping and roaring and half-humans clapping and cheering.
As a sunbeam from the clouds started beaming down on the child that was still risen as a sign of blessing. The creatures then calmed and bowed down one by one to show their respect for their future king to come.

And the child's name is Katsuki Bakugou...


Hello, It's me Ena, AKA the author, I just had the sudden urge to write this even if you guys didnt choose it but I really wanted to write this since I just want to-

Thanks for understanding why I stopped writing in the Mulan AU one, I'll try not to put all my stress out on this

Once again, Thank you...

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