Chapter 13

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Alfred just woke up.

Looking around, he rubbed his eyes and yawned, he just had an unsual dream, thinking about that dream makes him laugh.

'Seriously, what kind of brizzare dream was that?' he wondered in his mind as he chuckled.

'Anyway, I better get ready. I wanna go to Arthur's now!' he thought happily.

'Hmm, now that I think about it, it's been a month and a half already since he and I met and became friends.'

He had also been teaching Arthur piano for the past few weeks now and he's learning well! You can just give him a piece, well not the hard ones just the easy ones, and then he'll slowly memorize it!

After fishing, they had been going to the palace and having piano lessons, Arthur would often have dinner with Alfred and the maids had also gotten used to his company, sometimes even chatting to him.

Thinking about it makes Alfred smile widely.

As he was about to get off his bed, the door suddenly opened, startling him.

"ALFRED!" His Jack yelled, his hair still disheveled as he also just woken up.

"Knock first Yao! You scared me-"

"NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT, ARU!" Yao practically screamed, Alfred's head was already hurting.

"What is it?! Make it quick, I'm gonna to go to Arthur's." He said as he rubbed his temples and got off his bed.

Yao gaped at him,

"Did you forget?!"

"What did I forget?" Alfred said as he stepped into the bathroom. "Also, please get me my clothes, the simple ones I mean."

"Alfred, you'll just have to go to your friend's place later! You have to send your letters now!" He shouted, already knowing what he's planning to do today.

"What letters?!" Alfred shouted from the bathroom, his voice echoing.


"What did I forget, Yao?!"

"You've been hanging around with Arthur so much that you've forgotten about the ball this week!!!"  Yao revealed, panting from all the shouting.

The Jack didn't hear anything from the bathroom.

"... Alfred?" Yao called slowly, knocking on the bathroom door.


Dear Kingdom of (___),

We would like for you to attend the ball we are holding this week, the ball is going to be held at the palace of the Kingdom of Spades. This ball is important as the Kingdom of Spades' King, Alfred F. Jones, is currently trying to find the Queen for his Kingdom so if you would, please also bring some of your Kingdom's monarchies and people with any positions in your palace, wether it be female or male. If you would, I recommend that you wear something that has your Kingdom's color so that there won't be any mix-ups to what Kingdom everyone is from. We are hoping for your attendance this Friday.

                                   - The Kingdom Of Spades.

"Alright, is this formal enough for you?" Alfred asked, grumbling as he wrote his 32th letter.

He had been attempting to write a letter formal and appropriate enough for distribution to the other Kingdoms.
Yao had been nagging, saying that it wasn't formal enough, so he sat on his work desk for an hour, trying to come up with a formal looking letter.

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