Chapter 14

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"Mum! What are you cooking this dinner?"

A young looking Allistair asked eagerly as he and his brothers just went back home from playing with their friends. The attractive blond haired woman that looked young for her age turned to her sons and smiled as he patted their hairs one by one.

"We're gonna have roast dinner, boys!" She answered gleefully before looking back to the ingredients she just took out.

"Also, take a bath and change your clothes you lot! You're all wet from the rain outside and you're all covered with mud!" She added, scolding them.

The brothers nodded in unison and went to the bathroom to take a bath together.

(And now, you are free to do whatever you wanna write here bc I don't know how to fucking write a process of cooking those idk food u just told me)

As she finished cooking, she wiped off the sweat on her forehead and looked at the window.

'It sure is stormy outside.' She thought as she looked away from the window and watched as her sons came out of their, looking refreshed and dressed neatly.

"What took you so long, boys?" She asked and Dylan complained.

"Seamus wouldn't let go of the bloody soap for 13 minutes! He just stared at it, spacing out!" The said person huffed and looked away, sitting down on his seat.

The three also sat down on their seats, waiting for the dinner to be served at them, and looking on the door, expecting it to open loudly as usual and see their father grinning and asking if he was late to the dinner.

The door didn't burst open and their father didn't greet them like usual.

"Huh, strange. Where's dad? He usually comes home at this hour, attacking us with hugs and kisses." Allistair wondered, slightly disappointed. Their mother smiled reassuringly at them, "Maybe something came up? Don't worry, he'll be home."

"Well, if he doesn't come home soon I'll steal his meat then!" Little Arthur taunted playfully before shoving some beans into his mouth. The others followed as well, eating their dinner and still thinking of their father, expecting him to come home soon.

After 15 minutes however, the man they were waiting for did not show up, they were getting slightly worried now. He had never gotten this late before! They were still hopeful that he'll show up though so they waited and waited until they all already finished eating.


It's been a few hours now.

The mother had gotten really worried, where was her husband?! She had just been waiting and waiting, sitting on their couch and expecting her loved one to open the door, looking tired and hug her. Then she would scold him for being late and missing dinner, and he would apologize while kissing her. She would prepare food for him, which he'll gladly eat.

Sadly, that never happened as she was still sitting, waiting for him to come home. Her kids had slept already so she was the only one awake this midnight.

She felt her eyes threatening to close so she could get some sleep, but she didn't. She just fought her sleepiness in order to wait for her husband.

After a few minutes, she finally fell asleep, still worried of her husband and hoping she'd see him once she opens her eyes.

She froze at the news she just heard.

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