🔸Chapter 2🔸

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A/N: Sorry it took me 757498595783856 years to update this fanfic. This chapter is about 4200 words long. Hopefully ch.3 is a little shorter :')

The ominous night bathed the horizon in inky blackness, the twinkling lights were less bright than usual, the only lit portion of the sky was the crescent moon peeking out from behind the dark.

The brush scraped against her sleeve as she peeked her head around the corner, coming closer and closer to the impenetrable stone fortress. The granite appeared to be as smooth as glass, intimidating, daunting, colossal.

Milly silently gulped to herself, praying that the odds would be in her favor tonight. She normally didn't feel this insecure when it came to a heist, something was off.

It was likely the biggest heist so far since she founded the rebellion, sure, but she felt confident earlier that day. What was so different about it now, while feeling so sure about the whole ordeal just a few hours ago.

Something didn't seem right, but Milly had no time to worry over the minor details. She shook the feeling as she continued trekking through the brush, adjusting her mask along the way.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, she peered over to meet eye contact with Jake's concerned complexion.


He let out a soft sigh. "You sure you know what you're doing?"

"Yes Jake, you never questioned me before. Why now?"

"Because it's not like you to seem this nervous."

"I'm not nervous, now get off my case."

"I'm your friend too, not just a fellow rebellion cohort. You can tell me if something is bothering you."

"There's no time for chit-chat right now, we all know what we need to do."

"But Milly-

"No Jake! Not now!" she hissed.

He stepped back, a little startled from her outburst. Letting out another sigh, he nodded and walked in the other direction.

Milly let out a quiet breath, feeling a little bad about snapping at her best friend, and continued walking towards the castle.

After a few minutes of shaking off the anxious feeling that was slowly creeping up her spine, she peeked over a thick bush, the southern end of the castle presented itself as an unconquerable wall of rock.

She made a few hand gestures, motioning Lia to come out from hiding.

"You know what to do right?" she whisper-shouted.

Lia nodded. "I have a pretty good idea. You can go change."

Milly nodded as she quickly slipped into a slim red dress, placing a different red mask over her face. She placed her other mask back in her knapsack.

"I hate dresses."

The sight of the blood red, velvety fabric sickened her, dresses were impractical, always had been. The long, flowy skirt proved to be detrimental during combat, it's lack of versatility was nothing less than a bother. She scrunched her nose in abhorrence as she stood up from the bushes.

"Can't wait until this dreaded night is over."

"Everyone else ready?" she whisper-shouted towards the bushes a few yards across from her.

"Ready on my end," Zander replied standing up, showing off his lavender vest with ruffled sleeves as well as a violet mask to complete the fit. Jake and Luke also stood up simultaneously from different ends of the brush.

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