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Dear Millicent,

I hope all is well with you and your family, and I hope you come visit sometime. We miss you a lot. Even Zander, he still talks about you occasionally. He may not admit it, but you changed his life, and quite frankly, you changed mine too.

Daisy was selected as our new queen recently by the majority of the citizens. It's the first time we ever got the opportunity to choose who we want to rule over the kingdom. So this is huge, and Rosemania has you to thank. This would've never happened if you never overthrew the corrupt monarchy four years ago.

I occasionally see little girls running around with red hats and pink capes, laughing and acting crazy. They aspire to be just like you. There's even a statue of you right by the brand new castle drawbridge that the citizens built recently. I really think you should go check it out, it really captured your likeness.

Zander and I received a letter from Lia a few days ago saying that Daisy specifically appointed her to be on her royal council. She also mentioned Sean being personally selected as well. She wanted me to let you know that she says thank you, and hopes to write to you when she has some time.

That's all I have to say, and just know you are a hero. Never doubt yourself. Hope to hear back from you soon!

Your good friend,
Luke Peterson

Milly smiled at the letter, she never thought in a million years that so many people would still be looking up to her, even though she hung up her bow seven years ago.

"Aunt Milly!!"

She peered over her shoulder to spot a young child with golden hair and light shaded teal ends come charging at her with a crooked smile on her face.

"Catch me!!" she squealed as she jumped onto her lap.

Milly laughed as she captured the young girl in her arms, blinking her chocolate brown eyes at her.

"Where's your father, Skylar?" Milly asked.

"Right here."

Jake came running up to the two of them and scooped his daughter up. "Skylar, what did I tell you about jumping on people."

She let out a spastic giggle in response.

"She's a lot more energetic than usual today," he continued with a chuckle.

"Aunt Milly, where's your hat?" Skylar asked with a sheepish grin.

"Oh, it's right here." She handed it to the girl, and she excitedly placed it on her head. It was too big, so it wound up sliding down her face, covering her eyes.

"Look at me! I'm the pink-haired hood!" she exclaimed. Jake and Milly both let out a whole-hearted laugh in return.

"Dinner's ready!" a voice in the distance called out.

"Mommy!" Skylar yelled. Jake set her on the ground and she bolted straight towards her mother, beaming a bright smile as she came out to see her.

"I'm guessing you're hungry," Hailey continued.

"Yes please," Skylar quipped.

"And what about you, sweetheart?"

"What do you think?" He approached his wife and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead.

The trio happily escorted themselves towards the cabin, Milly sighed with a smile on her face as she watched them walk away. She felt happy to see her best friend finally get to live the life he deserved.

"Hey Milly."

She looked up to see her own significant other stroll up to the rock she was sitting on.

"Hi Elliot," she replied.

He seated himself next to her and placed his arm around her shoulder. "You wanna have a kid someday."

"Yeah, someday." A soft sigh escaped her lips as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Elliot planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "It's alright, whenever you're ready to."

Milly's disheartened expression didn't falter.

"Is everything okay?" Elliot inquired, with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"You sure?"

Milly let out a melancholic sigh. "I guess I'm just sad that my mom will never get to meet her grandchildren."

He nodded empathetically in response. "I get that, I really do, but, you and I both know that she would love them, just as much as she loved you, and just as much as I love you."

"Thanks, I love you too." She laid her head on his shoulder and gave a soft smile.

Her thoughts wound up tracing her back to the Rebellion era, filled with peril and sacrifice, but also filled with friendship, loyalty, and most of all, love. Even in the darkest of times, love still prevailed for each and every one of them. Her love for justice, her love for her friends, her love for Elliot, all connected by the sweet scent of the sapphire blue rose, now in full bloom everywhere in Rosemania and the neighboring forest.

"Elliot," she murmured.


"Can you get my bow and some spare arrows?"

"What for?"

"It's been a while since I've used it. For old times sake."

Elliot nodded with a smile as he sat up and quickly ran over to the supply cabin nearby. He came running up a few minutes later with her old bow and a few arrows.

Milly gently grabbed the bow, the smooth wood gliding against her fingers, the pink etchings still visible. She tested the string a few times and it still had the same snap it used to have.

Elliot handed her an arrow and she held it for a minute. Remembering a time in her life when she truly felt alive. A life full of risks and dangers, not knowing if she'll make it until the next day, and a cause to fight for.

Milly adjusted her bow and aimed her arrow at a large tree trunk, the stone point glinting against the evening sun, just like before. The tension in the string continued to build as she slowly stretched it, just like before. She let out a deep exhale as she concentrated all of her focus onto her target, just like before.

She let the arrow out of her grasp as the thin piece of wood whisked past her, and hit her target with extreme precision, just like before. And in that moment, as the arrow stuck into the tree in the precise spot she was aiming for, Milly felt alive again...

just like before.

The Pink-Haired Hood

The Pink-Haired Hood~A TMF Robin Hood AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now