🔹Chapter 4🔹

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"You truly are the biggest moron I have ever met. You've done idiotic and borderline dangerous things before-

"Zander calm down, aren't you overreacting a bit?" Jake asked, slightly irritated from his constant chiding all morning.

"Me? Overreacting?! You moronic nitwit, I nearly died last night because you didn't bother to show up and fulfill your damn responsibilities!" he angrily spat.

"Dude, lay off it, I said I was sorry!"

"I cannot even fathom how upset I am with you right now!"

"Well, you're being a bit too vocal about it."

"You have no damn right to get defensive right now!"

"You weren't killed, you handled yourself, and you got away with some of the jewelry. You honestly didn't even really need me."

"That may be true, but you still neglected your responsibilities to do what? To go flirt with some random girl."

"Get off my case Zander! She could've turned me in to the guards, but she didn't."

"You literally just met her and she probably didn't even give you a reason to trust her!"

"Well, I do trust her."

"You're more of an idiot than I thought."

"Can you two stop fighting please?" Luke interrupted. "Now is not the time to argue."

"Luke," Zander responded, dampening his anger. "What Jake did yesterday was unforgivable."

"I agree that it was wrong of him to neglect his priorities, however, you were able to fend for yourself without his help."

"Luke I-

"It proves that you're also a skilled fighter, as well as extremely intelligent."

"Er...thanks Luke."

Jake smirked a little when he spotted Zander's cheeks flush a little pink at the flattery.

"Now, let's drop this, alright?"

"I suppose."

"Thank God you two stopped your stupid bickering."

The three men turned to the fuchsia-haired girl sharpening her knife with another hefty stone.

"It's fine Milly," Luke replied with a smile.

"Anyhow, anyone know when Lia's supposed to get back here?"

"I'm not sure, this is her first time going into town alone."

"I can go looking for her if you want," Jake offered, standing up off of the log he was using as a chair.

"Eh, it's fine, I'll give her another five minutes or so," Milly answered, not shifting her gaze. "If she's not back by then, I'll look for her myself."

"No need Milly!"

The four turned their heads to see the attractive brunette skipping back towards them with a smile plastered on her face.

"Is everything where it's supposed to be?" Milly inquired.

Lia nodded. "Yep! I even got us a loaf of bread from the bakery. We didn't get the chance to eat last night, so once my job was over I started thinking with my stomach."

Milly scowled. "You shouldn't have."

She shot a glare at the three boys who anxiously stood up upon hearing Lia's news.

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