Fucked Around

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It's been a while since I've been on here, trust me.. a lot has happened in that time.
A lot of regrets, sadly.

I've been fucked around so much in the past few months, fuck it sucks.. all I have to say is don't get close to anyone, you'll only end up getting hurt.

I got to a point when I was so suicidal, I had attempted again. I'm such a failure, even though I tried my best not to relapse or anything... I still did.

I need major stitches in my leg, but I refuse to. I'm skipping all my counsellor appointments and I'm staying in my room all day, everyday.
I've started to smoke a lot more and doing drugs too.
What has my life come to.
I'm such a disappointment.

I would love to open up about how I've been fucked around and tell someone but it's too personal, I don't want it here on the internet but all I'm gonna say is don't get close to anyone.

I've been numb for so long, that I forgot how to feel, I've become so numb. I hate this feeling of emptiness, am I even human?
I'm better off dead.
I'm so tired, so very tired.

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