The Future's Dead

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I've given up on school,
I've given up on my dreams.
I've left everything because I just couldn't care less about school, I've stopped caring about my reputation, my schoolwork, my grades an homework. what's the point?
I'm never gonna get anywhere anyway.

School drains my happiness and my energy.
I hate school, I hate the people, the teachers, the work and it's hard enough crawling out of bed and painting a smile on my face.
I would rather be dead.
I'm a failure... at everything!
I've stopped giving a fuck because I really don't care at all anymore.
it's sad to watch myself throw my life away like this. it's the depression taking over once again.
The voices are winning.
My future has disappeared.

I had plans for my future.. I've changed.
I've changed a lot in just one year.
I have nothing to life for anymore, life sucks.
Death is my future.

I'm confused, I want to cry but I want to laugh.
I feel sad but I feel happy.
I want to die right now, but I want to live.
What the hell is going on with my life.
My life is nothing.
I'm a fucked up teen who wants to die.
I sound so pathetic don't i?
Well I am, I guess.

I really don't know what to do anymore.
I need help.

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