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Everything's getting worse.

The memories are flooding in and repeating all the time, over and over again.

I'm hurting, my head spins, I feel dizzy.

This sadness is consuming me.

I relapsed tonight and I regret it. My perfectly good clean wrist is now torn up an stained with blood.

Why me? I tried my best and I've just given up.

Replaying sad songs, replaying sad memories.

Crying, wow, crying. it's been forever since I've cried, there were real tears tonight. I am truly sad.

I'm still trying to convince myself I'm happy but it doesn't work, sadly. I've lost an appetite for all foods an I have no energy for anything.

I wish things were like they used to be, back then, when I was happy, before I knew what it felt like to be truly sad deep down.

I can't escape this... unless... suicide.

That's the one and only thing that's been on my mind lately. I've been picturing myself dead, I've been feeling more and more ready to pluck up the courage to do it.

Will I do it? I don't know but I know I'm god damn ready now.

It's not like anyone would care anyway.

What's the point in life? someone tell me right now, before I lose it all, before I do something stupid.

There really is no reason to be alive, what the fuck am I doing here?

My heads spinning.

Someone help me before it's too late.

The Diary of A Sad TeenWhere stories live. Discover now